Hey, thanks for the support, guys! Yeah, it was a pain getting everything back to where I liked it, and it took a while, but it's back. If nothing else, doing all this reminded me of how much I've been wanting to experiment with widening the space between my mains, so I've started doing that.
Can you believe the guy was in his bedroom until 6 pm?! Either he was seriously drunk last night or he was just trying to avoid me! In any case, I had a talk with him just now. I'm not the yelling type, and I'm not into revenge stuff (although the idea to use his toothbrush to clean the toilet made me giggle) -- I just explained to him that what he did wasn't acceptable and that you just don't mess with a man's stuff and I made him promise that he would never touch my gear ever again. I'm actually satisfied he won't; he seemed really apologetic. He really understood when I made the analogy of messing with another man's car! He remarked that this was the first time he'd ever seen me angry -- I told him that messing with my HT is one of very few ways to get me actually angry. Then I made him promise to make me a really nice meal sometime.
I'm glad I didn't confront him when I was torqued off. I have a tendency of saying things that I later regret when I'm that p*ss*d off. He's not a bad guy; he just made a bad call. And I have to live with him, so it's better to dispense with the yelling and cussing and revenging. After all, I
am Canadian.
And his boyfriend -- if he has one -- is safe.
EDIT: Then again, if it happens again, it's shame on me. I might have to ask him to move out at that point . . .