Some time ago, not long after discovering Audioholics, I ordered my first custom (didn't come with the equipment) HDMI cable. I'd read a lot of good things here about BlueJeans, and went to their site and liked it, and ordered the cable. It arrived and all has been wonderful.
Well. I got a new receiver, and it doesn't like the HDMI out from my Cable Box. So I pulled out some RCA-style cables and hooked it up Component Video.
"Those cables are too long; and the colors don't match" I told myself, "I know, I'll order a set from BJC and clean that up".
So I went out to the site and spec'd out a set.
"$58 for 6ft? I paid half that for the HDMI" (to be specific, I paid half that to buy twice-as-much of their second-best HDMI).
Well, maybe I just under-appreciated the cost of component video cables. That is 6 connectors after all. So when I saw a 1/8" - RCA that I could replace the cruddy one on my PC with, I spec'd that out for 10ft.... $45.
The question of my story: Does that sound right? BJC talks a lot about the complexity of good HDMI cable: should it be half (more like a quarter based on some of their Chinese stuff) the price of a 1/8"-RCA cable?
Is there a good reason for that three-fold increase in price? If so, what?