

Audioholic Jedi
I disconnected four of the seven amp modules in the IPS-1 to make it more quiet. Each module has a transformer that hums even in standby. It was to the point that I didn't use the thing. Now, it's not so bad because I cherry picked the three modules that were the quietest out of the bunch and only hooked those up. I'm only using three channels of it, anyway.

Some day I might feel inspired enough to do a comparison, but we all know how likely that is. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I'm contemplating picking up another pair of 1.5's to let me go 7.1. My room doesn't really lend itself to that, but I did already run the speaker wire under the carpet...


Audioholic Spartan
I'm contemplating picking up another pair of 1.5's to let me go 7.1. My room doesn't really lend itself to that, but I did already run the speaker wire under the carpet...

Over kill....It is what we are about.:)


Audioholic Slumlord
I suggest you place them on top of a couple of DIY Kappa builds.

-lsiberian :D


Audioholic Jedi
I suggest you place them on top of a couple of DIY Kappa builds.

-lsiberian :D
lsiberian, you are a genius! I don't know why that dumb-a** Alex can't ever suggest good stuff like that.

Oh, well. At least he's funny.



Audioholic Overlord
lsiberian, you are a genius! I don't know why that dumb-a** Alex can't ever suggest good stuff like that.

Oh, well. At least he's funny.

My suggestions are always correct, I've got science standing behind me. I'm funny in certain lighting conditions.



Audioholic Jedi
I decided against getting another pair of NHT 1.5s for a set of surround back speakers. I could have gotten them for $225 shipped from a person near Phoenix (over eBay), but I wasn't excited enough about the thought of it to pull the trigger. The guy ended up selling them for the same price later that night, so everybody won.

I've got three more discs coming today, so I hope to get in some good listening.


Audioholic Jedi
I ran the Avia disc on my Panny plasma.

I'm not sure that I did it all right. If I did it right, contrast could be at 100% on the test pattern and be just fine, but I get some haloing on The Incredibles with that, so I turned it back down.

Also, something seems inherently wrong with even trying to use a Sharpness pattern on an upscaled DVD.

On a semi-related note, is there anything wrong with wanting Elastigirl?


Audioholic Jedi
Now I'm wondering if those halos are in the source material. I still had them even when I cranked the contrast down. Im noticing it on other material.


Audioholic Intern
In reference to the conservation on page 49 of thread

I knew he got a good deal but now I know the truth!!!!!!!!!! haha. You guys did a real good job of keeping a secret I was even showed phony websites ha ha....:) Well I too agree that was very noble..

..I wish i knew how to link the previous thread:)

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