I simply don't believe this is true. You might not be able to find any reliable cable ID'ing from DBT results published on the internet, but if you want to talk about "individuals", that's different.
I believe that if you came to my house, took 3 different sets of interconnects that I own and am familiar with (retail range between $40 and $200) and swapped them between my CDp and amp, I could name them reliably (although not perfectly perhaps---but better than chance) by their sound.
That's a good point. So my approach was one of hubris also.
BTW, Where are the studies that show a person will guess correctly 50% of the time?
Without science and objective measurement you have nothing. All you have is dangerous superstition.
Without reason and method people will believe anything no matter how ridiculous or far fetched, and they do.
Unfortunately your line of thinking is actually hazardous to you and society at large. For without the ability to understand the question posed (hypothesis), the methodology to test the hypothesis (experiment) and correctly analyze the data produced by the experiment, then you can not really make correct decisions for yourself, you family or society at large. If you can't develop those sorts of skills, then you are compromised as a member of society. Without those skills any opinion formed by that individual is as likely to be harmful as useful. In fact when you factor in societal herd influences you are likely to be wrong more often than by chance.
Now I could site numerous instances where your point of view about science is damaging to society as a whole but I will discuss one issue that illustrates the danger of a scientifically illiterate society.
The issue I will use is the radiation of food. This could involve raw vegetables and meat, but for brevity I will take meat.
These facts are not in dispute.
Colonic bacteria of cattle can be highly dangerous to human health. Pathogenic E. coli causes loss of life, vital organ failure, and results in limb loss of many of those who ingest and get infected with that strain of bacteria. Many of those severely affected are children.
It is widely accepted that you can by no means prevent contamination of meat with colonic bacteria in 100% of cases. Therefore with hygiene and inspections alone there will continue to be an incidence of infections.
It can be shown that with the use of ionizing radiation (gamma rays) applied to the meat, that the meat can be sterilized and the infections prevented.
Further that using the ionizing radiation in this manner, will leave zero radiation in the meat and is 100% safe.
The fact that there is no radiation left in the meat can be predicted from the known behavior of electromagnetic radiation. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation includes radio waves, microwaves, heat, light and ionizing radiation, and all behave the same in one important characteristic. When you switch it off it stops. In other words if you have meat in a closed room and switch off the light, you can not see the meat, it does not glow. And it won't emit ionizing waves either after they are switched off.
Now this hypothesis can be confirmed by experiment. Radiate the meat and then test it for radiation with a Geiger counter. The Geiger counter is silent in that circumstance.
Now the objectivist looks at the hypothesis, method and data and reasonably concludes that radiating meat in this fashion poses no threat to the public health. And will come to the further conclusion that serious infection, death and permanent disabilities can be prevented by the use of the ionizing radiation to sterilize meat.
People of your persuasion who feel one person's point of view is as good as another's and is worthy of equal respect will say: - "Radiation is dangerous and therefore radiating meat will make food radioactive and should not be done."
Now the fact is there are far too many in the unreasonable second camp. The result is meat is not irradiated and people die and become severely maimed unnecessarily.
So actually your type of reasoning is highly damaging to society and far too pervasive. Therefore right minded people have a civic duty to challenge it at every opportunity.
Now you might say this serious issue and cables are a far cry from one another and they are. However, the reasoning against the radiation of meat and believing cables can produce the changes you claim contrary to sound scientific evidence are the same side of the coin. That is why your views about cables are not worthy of any respect whatever, only scorn.