'nother wire size query
ok , so if cable length does not matter within reason...
then I wonder,
should I just use the 16 gauge cable I have and double it up, so Im using two speaker cables for each speaker? (effectivley 8 gauge cable)...
Be careful two 16 gauge cables do not equal on 8 gauge. It doesn't work that way. 16 gauge is 6.39 times the resistance of 8 gauge.
16 gauge ohms/ft= 0.004094
14 gauge ohms/ft=0.002575
12 gauge ohms/ft =0.001619
10 gauge ohms/ft = 0.001018
8 gauge ohms/ft =0.0006405
Remember for any wire run you need to double the length fro total resistance.
14 gauge will work for most speaker runs under 25 ft. Nothing bigger than 12 gauge is ever needed.
A speaker wire size guide can be found at Audioholics article:
A quick summary of that article:
Speaker Impedance 8 Ohm Load 4 Ohm Load
Wire Gauge Distance (ft) Distance (ft)
18 AWG 10 (8 ohm) 5 (4 ohm)
16 AWG 20 (8 ohm)10 (4 ohm)
14 AWG 35(8 ohm) 18 (4 ohm)
12 AWG 60 (8 ohm)30(4 ohm)
10 AWG 100 (8 ohm)50(4 ohm)
Good Luck!
Forest Man