Energy Savings Scam: I just had a company come over my house claiming they could assess our energy usage so we can get a $4k rebate from the Government. It was nothing more than a sales pitch to buy solar water heating and attic cooling. He tried to convince us on buying their system which was over $12k and with all the Govt incentives and cost savings it would pay for itself in 3 years based on our energy savings and the projection that power would go up 15% / year in cost.
I realized what a scam it was when they tried to sell me Power Factor correction for my home. I gave the guy a little schooling on basic electrical engineering and how these devices make little sense in the home.
I told him the power company bills residential for actual power used (kwh) not on reactive power. I also pointed him to the Energy Star website that discusses this and how if these devices were so useful for residential applications, how come they aren't certified?
and read this:
Watch out for this scam. It was very hard to get this guy out of my house. I was on the verge of physically dragging him out if he didn't leave after my warning that I grew tired of his presence and wanted him to leave.