That religion, taken seriously, results in people behaving highly irrational. I mean, if you believe in another, better realm, this realm becomes of secondary importance to such people.
The muslim religion, and probably any religion, taken completely seriously will result in evil. This is why religion-qua-religion is evil.
Its obvious that in spite of all education and technology available to them, as provided by the western colonialists, the stubborn Middle Easterners have refused to come into a rationalistic world view even after gaining their little "independences". They stubbornly stick to medieval ideologies. We in the west do not have to apologize for it when they come over here and terrorize our troops. How can anyone explain the total disproportional development between the west and those Middle Eastern countries?
The Koran instructs Moslems to persuade the infidel to accept Islam, and if the infidel does not accept Islam and The Koran, being the word of Allah as given via Mohammed, they are to be killed. Jews are not to be accorded the nicety of persuasion, and they are simply to be killed outright. The killings may be conducted by any Moslem, or Soldier of Islam, at any time, and the Muslims do, in fact, carry out such killings.
Fox News, if it has read the work, has been in a state of denial regarding the motives of Muslims in their actions towards the Infidel. Similarly, most of the U.S. Government politicians have not read The Koran, and they have no idea whatsoever regarding the motives of the Muslims against the infidel. Muslims are not, in their way of thinking, against the West, Civilization, women, or Capitalism. Rather, they are set in their intentions to persuade the infidel to accept Islam, or, if not, to kill the infidel. That reduces to the mere killing of the infidel by Muslim individuals, cells, groups, families, moderates, supporters, or armies.
The failure of the infidel to have read The Koran is the "weak spot" of the West, or of the USA.
The Muslims will not stop in their continued actions towards the infidel. Why? Allah requires that the Muslim act in accordance with the Word of Allah as given in The Koran.