What an incredible waste of money it will be to try, defend and convict this guy when a few minutes with a regular guy would see this situation to a quiet end.
When the Iranians decide without a court or the rule of law who is guilty and send out the goon squad, we scream in protest how undemocratic this is.
The rule of law and the presumption of innocence is what separates us from a large part of the world. In cases like this, where things seem cut and dried, it is tempting to take a shortcut, but it
exactly here that it is most important to apply the rule of law equally, even though it costs a lot.
It is not his rights we are protecting, it is our collective 'right' to the privilege of the rule of law and out personal freedoms.
Eliminate the rule of law and you have the slaughter of the Jews in ww2, the genocide in Rwanda or Sudan or the former Yugoslavia. You have the persecution of protesters in Iran. You get trial by opinion or decree.
The privilege of freedom comes at a financial price that, IMO, is well worth it.