You obviously know what you are talking about but not what we are talking about. At this point you and others that actively participate in this forum need to be introduced to Embedded Transmission Line (ETL) technology and then things will become clearer for you. This might sound outrageous, but if and when you get the opportunity to audition ETL equipped drivers, loudspeakers and subwoofers then the sound will be clearer as well. Realizing that every speaker manufacturer on the planet is using the same old technology that’s been around for 50-80 years, does create a challenge for us to get a fair hearing (no pun intended) on the new technology.
The fact is that all speakers or any sounds in a room can energize room modes. Room modes are points of pressure and points where the level is lower than if the wave were not reflected back. These modes are related to the room dimension. The big difference here is that ETL subs have a completely enclosed driver that is operating in a high pressure, non-resonant environment. So, the room modes do not alter the driver’s acoustic impedance thereby allowing room modes to behave smoothly.
The typical driver or subwoofer operating in the same room will have the pressure zones and regions of lower pressure amplified by the driver itself. The pressure modes create greater output when they hit the driver cone while the lower pressure modes cause a drop in the effect of the output. Furthermore, room modes are enhanced when the active driver’s diaphragm is exposed to these modes.
The Q of the existing speaker does change on a dynamic basis and this causes the sound to change to something different. But as all other subwoofers operate on a resonant design, the speaker or subwoofer does not have the correct sound character in the first place.
“but they do change what is heard in room compared to what the speaker's designer intended the listener to hear.”
In making this statement you are admitting that the typical speaker or subwoofer will never sound as the designer intended.
ETL speakers and subwoofers always perform exactly as the designer intended even though the end user will experience his own individual acceptable result. This is because the Q of the speakers is constant regardless of the room or the speakers’ placement although placement will have an affect on the final sound presentation. There are ideal placements in the room where ETL speakers and/or a subwoofer perform best; but, there will very few location/orientation positions in the room where they do not sound good.
One must understand the method of providing critical damping of a speaker or subwoofer for its entire frequency range; then it will be revealed why the room cannot affect it like it does all other speaker designs. Only after further reading about the technology and what professional reviewers have said about how ETL speakers and subs perform will one become initiated. This forum has successfully functioned to provide open and honest discussions about anything that might be revealed as new or useful in our industry. Here are some helpful links:
o Subwoofer review:
o Sub/small monitors review:
o US Patent: