Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Slumlord
I've had 2 good nights sleep and a nap. Now I have just ordered a pizza.
I'll write a review of it later on. Stay tuned. :cool:

It's good to be home. Rhode Island ROCKS !!! :)


Audioholic Spartan
I've had 2 good nights sleep and a nap. Now I have just ordered a pizza.
I'll write a review of it later on. Stay tuned. :cool:

It's good to be home. Rhode Island ROCKS !!! :)
I feel the same way being home from vacation.:)

Do you know when you'll start work again?


Audioholic General
I had to really boring day today but thats allright. I have tomorrow off so that makes it right.:)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Seperating after nearly 9 years. Been a pretty shitty month, let alone weekend.


Audioholic Jedi
Last go around... I watched a stupid teen comedy called "Fired Up"

I finally got around to watching that today. Effing awesome! Some scenes made me laugh really hard. Other scenes just made me really hard.

Oh, wait. Wrong forum. :eek: :D

Seriously, though - great comedy, IMO. I thought that I'd hate it during the first five minutes, but then I couldn't stop laughing.


Audioholic Slumlord
That's why I wish that I hadn't seen it.
Thanks for not polluting that thread like some other people. :rolleyes: :D

lmao. I got it made, but my wife thinks I can't clean, cook or do laundry right.
I remember those pic's you posted way back. Your wife may be right. ;)
I didn't want to pollute the thread about Chris' speakers any further with our shenanigans.

The roads in the backwoods of Virginia are amazing.
Driving in in daylight was fun but driving out at night was a little hairy.

Driving away from Walter's I was speeding due to a down hill grade and not paying attention when I spotted a cop coming in the other direction. So much for 'free' turntable I thought as he pulled a U-turn after I passed him. I immediately pulled over to take my lumps before he even turned the lights on. The pick up that was following me passed me and so did the cop. I followed them both back to the highway and never looked back.


Audioholic Jedi
I ordered a holster with a belt clip for my handheld GPS. I haven't used it in years, but being somewhat lost at the state park with the sun going down has happened more times than I'd like. Beautiful place, but it isn't easy walking off the trails when it's light out - and it's even worse when it's dark. It wouldn't be so bad if Niki didn't so badly want to explore the various washes...and I wasn't so willing to let her.
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