I never said I wanted anything of the sort. What I said was there are a lot people who have had it with this corrupt government we now have. There are lots of ways to have a revolution, and it need not be violent to get results. Some here seem to think that is what I am implying when I said no such thing.
Who said anything about violence? I never did and I never claimed that you did. You posted "If it ever gets to that point in this country you don't actually think that the people doing the tossing out are going to care if it is legal or not do you? If the American people decide to take their country back from corrupt politicians it won't matter."
PO'd people who don't care about legalities when they take their country back won't be violent? Really? I have never known pissed off people to be particularly calm and reasonable. Pissed off people are reactive and unpredictable. Read or watch the news. How many bloodless coups have you seen? In Great Britain, the government can be voted out with any election but that isn't how our system was framed. Wholesale replacement slows many government processes and while that can be a good thing (like now), it isn't always what is needed.
However, when the government caters to those who like their handouts, those people won't exactly be at the front lines of a group that wants to remove the very government that's doling out the cookies. Right now, that's a lot of people. The US government is the single largest employer in the country- do you think those employees want the government to be made smaller? They certainly won't help. What about all of the people who just can't be bothered with paying attention to all that's happening but wanted to be involved in "an historic election"? They'll be on the sidelines, too. Add those who voted for these whores because "they aren't Bush's people" and it would appear that the number of people who are pissed off and want Congress cleaned out is less than those who are OK with what's happening. If you know of a way a minority can win over a majority without violence, tell us- I'd like to know.
Obama has said that he wants a civilian police force that's funded and equipped equally to the military- that tells me people could be arrested for whatever The Government may consider "against the State", "dangerous to the public as a whole" or subversive.
Welcome to the Gulag, comrade.