That's the problem with political correctness, is that every kid is a winner and there are no losers. Todays PC is not preparing them for how it is in the real world, hence why we have young adults who think the world owes them friggin everything on a silver platter.
Our generation had to work for our stuff, our folks gave us a good belt whipping if we got out of line and when I acted out in class, I not only got the paddle from the principle but when I got home I got it again from the parents for getting an arse whuppin by the principal. But you know what It taught me not to do that kind of shyt again ,,,,,,or at least not get caught
I agree that holding your child for tackling a kid is beyond stupid, heck schools don't even allow dodge ball anymore because those red balls can sting a wee bit (boo friggin hoo) I thought dodge ball was the best tool to teach you flexibility and that when everyone is tossing crap at you, you either dodge it or get hit (a lesson that has followed me all through life)
I recall going home to my folks house a few years ago and they were raising my neice (sis had issues) anyway my neice was acting up and my mom goes, "okay you need to sit in time out"
I was like, "TIME OUT???, what's this time out crapola, when I was a kid and did the same thing, I got a butt whuppin" my moms response, "we love her more than you" (Mom was kidding BTW she has a wicked sense of humor)
But shows you how parenting has changed over the years (even with the same parents)
But it shows why kids today are spoiled, throw temper tantrums in public and instead of asking and getting a "No" they scream and the parents cave in. Now this principle deals with this all day long and the restrictions are so stiff, that she probably had no choice, but i agree, tackling a kid during PE....LAME!!!!