Oooopsie... (Now, I don't care who you are. This is funny)



Audioholic Spartan
A group of Somali pirates has been captured after attacking a French navy ship by mistake, apparently thinking it was a harmless cargo vessel.

Seriously, I don't understand the last sentence : "Although the international naval forces have stepped up patrols in the Gulf of Aden this year, relatively few of the pirates detained have faced trial because of the legal complexities involved."

So, why not just sink 'em?
Funy stuff Mark. I'm sure the navy crewmen thought that this would be a good chance to get some target practice in, but that darn Captn probably thought it was a bad idea.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
The problem is, he wasn't "punished" per se. It was the poor shmuck he sent to do the job who went to jail. Kaddafi may have conformed with the demands you have listed, but he has not been personally punisheded for the murder of hundreds of people in that aircraft. But then again, that number is probably only a drop in the bucket, if you consider the number of his own people he's ordered killed.
Welcome to the world of non-person entities.

Kaddafi is not indited in any murders that I am aware of... and there is no precedent for heads-of-state being punished for supporting terrorism. Look at the US support of the Mujahadeen terrorists in the 1980s, or the Contra Terrorists. The only criminal investigation there was that the PotUS was aiding drug runners to finance the weapons against a law passed by congress.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not advocating his assassination. If we killed every world leader who should be convicted of murder, the vast majority of the world's nations would be leaderless. I'm just making the point that he's a despicable excuse for a human being.
I'm not going to defend him as a person. I agree with you. But I think that the opportunity to reasonably attempt a criminal case for state terrorism by Libya has long passed.


Seriously, I have no life.
I didn't post this to start up a political war. I just thought pirates attacking a navel vessel was funny.

I still do. ..and I still feel that they should be sunk without repercussions during the commission of piracy if the target vessel is so equipped and inclined.
Yes, it was interesting and funny but it was at night, no? 300 miles out in the darkness?
Maybe, in the future, perhaps, pirates will be treated differently out there;):D


Audioholic Warlord
Welcome to the world of non-person entities.

Kaddafi is not indited in any murders that I am aware of... and there is no precedent for heads-of-state being punished for supporting terrorism. Look at the US support of the Mujahadeen terrorists in the 1980s, or the Contra Terrorists. The only criminal investigation there was that the PotUS was aiding drug runners to finance the weapons against a law passed by congress.

I'm not going to defend him as a person. I agree with you. But I think that the opportunity to reasonably attempt a criminal case for state terrorism by Libya has long passed.

Oh, I'm fully aware of the vagaries of realpolitik. I wasn't suggesting that he be arrested and put on trial. That just isn't a realistic proposition. Besides, the guy is barking mad - he'd only be found not guilty due to insanity.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
Even with my French heritage I definitely found it amusing.
I obviously should've added a smilie, or two, to my question. It was meant more in jest, than with any degree of seriousness. In other words, I was only joking as well! I only asked, because CraigV has thrown a lot of mud around in this thread. It's certainly not something that I'll lose sleep over! :rolleyes: Hey, it's the Steam Vent! We can state or ask pretty much whatever we want!

I'm from all English stock, but my wife's family is all French (Quebec & Acadian) - most of whom speak it as their first language, or fluently as a second language. They don't have any particular regard for France, so they probably wouldn't be bothered by it either.:D


Audioholic General
I obviously should've added a smilie, or two, to my question. It was meant more in jest, than with any degree of seriousness. In other words, I was only joking as well! I only asked, because CraigV has thrown a lot of mud around in this thread. It's certainly not something that I'll lose sleep over! :rolleyes: Hey, it's the Steam Vent! We can state or ask pretty much whatever we want!

I'm from all English stock, but my wife's family is all French (Quebec & Acadian) - most of whom speak it as their first language, or fluently as a second language. They don't have any particular regard for France, so they probably wouldn't be bothered by it either.:D
Hey, it’s Friday, the sun is shining, it’s all good – Se la vie, sink the Somali…whatever :D:cool:


Audioholic Warlord
Hey, it’s Friday, the sun is shining, it’s all good – Se la vie, sink the Somali…whatever :D:cool:
Yes, it's Friday! Kinda cloudy here though. But, it's Thanksgiving weekend - whoo - hoo! For anybody who didn't know, second Monday in October is Thanksgiving day in Canada.


Audioholic Spartan

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