

Senior Audioholic
My pregnant wife was just diagnosed with Swine Flu today. I'm kind of freaking out but I have to stay positive for her. Of course, everything I am reading on the internet isn't helping!!!


Audioholic Jedi
Best wishes to your family! Did the doctor(s) have any information about the severity of it or the possible impacts on your wife or baby?


Senior Audioholic
Not really. Just told her to stay on an all liquid diet and provided her a perscription for some meds. However, the meds have not been used in any long term studies regarding the effect it could have on the fetus. So, we have our fingers crossed. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Want to protect the baby...but the baby is in danger as long as she is sick...so we have to take the medicine to help the mom and then hope it doesn't affect the baby.


Full Audioholic
H1N1 actually tends to be less virulent than other strains of the flu but disproprtionately affects younger people (which is why the media covers it). It's hypothesized that a flu strain with similar structure was present around 20-30 years ago, so the middle aged and older populations have some residual acquired immunity to it while young people don't.

When drugs go through FDA approval, they are tested on animal models to determine the effects on developing fetuses (among many other things). If they pass this test, they are classified as "probably safe" for pregnant women. Research on pregnant women is then performed to validate this claim. Since the developmental processses of mammals is very similar, the "probably safe" wording is pretty conservative.

I hope your wife gets well soon. It sounds like she is in good, capable hands. BTW, there is quite a bit of sensationalized information about H1N1 on the internet. Your doctor will have more accurate information and should be more than willing to answer any questions, as well as assuage your fears.


Audioholic General
Wow, makes my week seem mundane. Hoping for a quick recovery & all is well with your growing family.


Audioholic Jedi
Not really. Just told her to stay on an all liquid diet and provided her a perscription for some meds. However, the meds have not been used in any long term studies regarding the effect it could have on the fetus. So, we have our fingers crossed. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Want to protect the baby...but the baby is in danger as long as she is sick...so we have to take the medicine to help the mom and then hope it doesn't affect the baby.
Your thought process is correct. H1N1 is causing disproportionally serious trouble for pregnant women. So that is why antivirals are advised.

No new drugs are tested in pregnant women, as no ethics committee will allow it. That leaves physicians in a dilemma frequently. In the ICU and in the care of seriously ill pregnant women drugs with no data about safety on pregnancy have to be used.

Fortunately it usually turns out fine. That was the case when my eldest daughter had a very unusual problem in her first pregnancy and had to take a relatively new drug, that there was really scant data on safety on pregnancy. I'm glad to say our grand daughter is fine, and she very likely would not be alive, but for the drug.

So have your wife take the antivirals, the sooner they are taken in the course of the illness the better.

I wish her a speedy recovery. If you and your wife have any pregnant friends, advise them to get vaccinated as soon as the vaccine is available in your area. It is the correct thing to do, and don't let them be confused by the media. Listen to the CDC and local health authorities.


Audioholic Ninja
Don't fret mate. My wife is also pregnant and likely has swine. All she needed was some salt water nasal saline to help congestion and Tylenol (325mg every 4 hours) to keep the fever down. She's already better after 2 days. Stay away from regular decongestant drugs. Your wife needs to take those anti-virals if she's showing serious symptoms.
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Audioholic Jedi
Don't fret mate. My wife is also pregnant and likely has swine. All she needed was some salt water nasal saline to help congestion and Tylenol (325mg every 4 hours) to keep the fever down. She's already better after 2 days. Stay away from regular decongestant drugs. Your wife needs to take those anti-virals if she's showing serious symptoms like high fever.
Wrong and dangerous advice. I do a post here when I see a danger of a post like yours cropping up.

Pregnant women are going into Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in disproportionate numbers. Anti virals have a narrow time window for effectiveness. By the time the patient gets to the ICU the window has passed.

The CDC recommendation is for pregnant women with H1N1 to receive antiviral therapy at diagnosis.

Please do not post advice on such a serious issue and convey a message contrary to the CDC. You are playing with fire if you do.


Audioholic Warlord
You, your wife and the little one have my best wishes.


Audioholic Ninja
Wrong and dangerous advice. I do a post here when I see a danger of a post like yours cropping up.

Pregnant women are going into Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in disproportionate numbers. Anti virals have a narrow time window for effectiveness. By the time the patient gets to the ICU the window has passed.

The CDC recommendation is for pregnant women with H1N1 to receive antiviral therapy at diagnosis.

Please do not post advice on such a serious issue and convey a message contrary to the CDC. You are playing with fire if you do.
I fail to see where I posted advice contrary to the CDC :confused:

-Tylenol has been shown to be safe in pregnancy.
-Decongestants are not recommended by the CDC or FDA during pregnancy. Salt water nasal saline ok and does help.
-For swine flu, anitvirals should be taken.

Regardless, the OP should listen to their doctor and not to what we're posting on a forum.
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Audioholic Jedi
I fail to see where I posted advice contrary to the CDC :confused:

-Tylenol has been shown to be safe in pregnancy.
-Decongestants are not recommended by the CDC or FDA during pregnancy. Salt water nasal saline ok and does help.
-For swine flu, anitvirals should be taken.

Regardless, the OP should listen to their doctor and not to what we're posting on a forum.
This is the wrong part: - "Your wife needs to take those anti-virals if she's showing serious symptoms."

By the time the situation is serious, the antiviral window is fast closing or closed.

If you notice, I'm very careful to support sound and appropriate advice from individuals physicians, as in this case.


Audioholic Ninja
This is the wrong part: - "Your wife needs to take those anti-virals if she's showing serious symptoms."

By the time the situation is serious, the antiviral window is fast closing or closed.

If you notice, I'm very careful to support sound and appropriate advice from individuals physicians, as in this case.
Ah, I see the confusion. You're right; I should have been more clear.


Senior Audioholic
I really appreciate all the support from you guys here. I usually don't post anything this personal but I was kind of flipping out and had to put on the brave face with my wife so I didn't have anyplace to vent. :eek:

Today is going much better. Yesterday sucked big time. She was wiped out! Fever was all over the place. Coughing was terrible. Vomited a little. Couldn't stay warm. Today seems to be a little more under control. A little less coughing and a little less fever.

I'm starting to take the antiviral meds myself...in the hopes it fights off any chance of me catching it. I keep trying to get in touch with our pediatrician to see if there is anything our 17 month old should be taking to boost his immune system too. So far I feel a lot better about this than I did yesterday.

I noticed an article when I was researching yesterday that noted 28 out of 100 pregnant women had died due to Swine Flu. That was what really set me off as that is not good odds. This stuff isn't supposed to be too bad for middle aged folks but it is hell for pregnant women. Anyway, if she continues to get slightly better each day I will be a happy camper!


Audioholic Ninja
I know exactly where you're at as I was there 2 days ago. Hang in there.


Audioholic Overlord
My prayers are with you.

I'm pretty sure I got the swine flu a couple weeks ago and I do suggest you stay home and out of the public until both of you are well for at least 24 hours. This stuff isn't a game. I can see how easy it would be for a person to get very sick fast.

I suggest everyone stock up on good fluids and soups. Encourage anyone with flu-like symptoms to go and stay home. Make sure also to get plenty or rest and get plenty of fruit and vegetables. I can't imagine having a sick and pregnant wife. I go crazy when she's sick now. It's good to see men that care about their wives like they should.


All the best for your wife my friend, you should be more aware of her as he is pregnant. Take her to different doctors, i heard that there's a vaccine for this.


Audioholic Jedi
All the best for your wife my friend, you should be more aware of her as he is pregnant. Take her to different doctors, i heard that there's a vaccine for this.
She already has the illness, so a vaccine is of no use. Vaccines are for prevention, not treatment!

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