At this point, it seems as though you are trying to come across as the premier authority on the BB theory. I simply stated that one theory I had heard was that there was hydrogen & helium in “whatever” it was that exploded into the BB, but because you had not heard that theory, you assumed it couldn’t exist, and attacked me for even brining it up. I never said it was fact, just a theory I had heard.
I have not attacked you for anything. The only posts I've seen making personal commentary are yours, accusing me of arguing rather than debating, accusing me of "trying to come across as the premier authority on the BB", etc.
You've repeatedly used and cited the term "singularity". I believe you've also explicitly stated "infinitely hot" (though that may have been another poster). I also notice you have not answered any of my sincere questions.
Please go look up what a gravitational singularity is. It's a point where matter-energy is compressed to its maximum density (though whether that's "infinite" or controlled by plank's constant is debatable).
Now go look up what a neutron star it. Notice the degenerate state of matter that occurs in neutron stars and why.
If you've actually done this, what you've discovered is that, as density increases, atoms become impossible. They break down into sub-atomic particles, which again break down as density increases, and so-on to some unknown limit.
It is therefore impossible for a singularity to contain hydrogen, helium, or any other atom. Someone who has made a claim "like you heard" is not simply putting forward a different or even wrong big-bang theory: they are putting forth one which is obviously wrong in a way even a first-year physics student should see within seconds.