OK, I've settled on an in-ceiling sub (or subs) for my 2.1 system. I've decided against infinite baffle, as I don't want to risk becoming a neighbourhood pest. So, enclosed is the way I want to go. I just wonder - for a stereo system, would it be better to go with 2 smaller (8"?) - one above each main speaker, or a single 12" centred between the mains? I would like good SQ, a flat FR (or flat as can be expected), good extension (for music, I think 28Hz is plenty deep) at high (but not deafening!) SPL.
I plan to incorporate a DCX into the system, for crossover and equalizing purposes. I think a 500 watt plate amp should do the trick for power. Any arguments? I've just downloaded WinISD Pro, but haven't had a look at it yet. I would probably rather have an experienced sub builder model it for me... That's a hint...
I was thinking that it would be a lot more work than a freestanding sub, but then I realized - I don't have to pretty it up! So, losing the finish work will probably even out with installing the sub(s). I know I'll have to do some plaster work, but that's muuuccch simpler.
I await some suggestions....