if you go the lcd way you should seriously consider the toshiba regza full led matrix with local dimming...you will have better PQ then the samsungs or pannys..look at the link that daleAV posted above..honestly with the right settings this tv looks like a plasma..you can adjust brighness...backlight and dynamic contrast too...so people who think that lcds are just too bright and are only good in a very bright room are just not well informed...i watch movies and tv programs at night and the tv just look has better then any plasmas exept for the kuros wich i think is the top that plasmas will ever be..panasonic wont produce better plasmas then the kuros never!...i think the future is for full matrix led lcds and oled wich sony is producing right now but the pricing will be crazy so!...
I thought maybe I misread your post so I looked back and realized I wasn't crazy. lol
You did seem to suggest that it wasn't as good as a plasma but then you went on to say some dyslexic stuff about it looking better than any plasma except for the Kuro in the last sentence I highlighted. That's a pretty loose statement, don't you think? Maybe I did read it wrong, it is possible.
I'm not trying to go back and forth with you but you do keep qouting my posts as if you want to argue your point, so I just figured I'd quote you back. Next time, back up your statements with some valid proof or at least some reviews from well respected sources instead of your bias opinion. How does that help this poster? He/she can get that from reading BestBuy customer reviews. You can reccommend your LED LCD to others without putting down other models... not everyone has the luxury of spending more than $2500 for a 50" + display. Honestly, even if you do, then there are better options than LED right now. That was my whole point.