Is the OPPO the top player just because it was the first decently priced universal player?
I'm still wondering, other than fast load times, how much better the picture is from an OPPO compared to any other offering.
If it's better, I'm sure the differences are subtle. There was an old six player shootout I've linked here before, and the Panasonic was the only player to pass all HQV tests, but OTOH it suffered the greatest shift between color points. That said, I'm sure most players would look very similar in performance on most displays, viewing angles, and/or other conditions.
In defense of this Anthem player, a lot of people who have ID in mind sometimes forget that items rarely sell for MSRP. My bdp is purely for HT, no dedicated audio ever, and if the price ends up being the same . . . and I got my hands on a D2v, I could match my electronics.