It stinks when fiscal responsibility means that I can't get a new toy at a "steal" kind of price .... This year I spent 11K to refi my house [8K to pay down principle so I wouldn't have PMI] ; 3 K because of storm damage to the house [deductable] ; and 1K of misc. unexpected expenses.
Don't get me wrong. I feel very fortunate that I was in a position that I could spend 15K that I hadn't budgeted and I would agrue that I've made sound decisions.
The thing that does annoy me [and makes me want to vent] is that for 850$ I had a chance to pick up a really nice sub that would otherwise cost me 1700$ shipped [friend's sub didn't meet WAF standards] and I'm going to have to pass because I'm not comfortable dipping into the rainy-day-money any further.
Grrrrrrr .... maybe in a year or two