Assemblyman caught bragging about sexual conquests



Audioholic Spartan

California Assemblyman Mike Duvall was dumb enough to brag to a colleague about how he sleeps with lobbyists when there was a hot mike nearby. This is the type of person we have running the country? This guy was also given a 100% rating for being a pillar of family values. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord

California Assemblyman Mike Duvall was dumb enough to brag to a colleague about how he sleeps with lobbyists when there was a hot mike nearby. This is the type of person we have running the country? This guy was also given a 100% rating for being a pillar of family values. :rolleyes:
Wow that's pretty dumb of him. Even if he's joking that's not the time or place for it.


Audioholic Spartan
He wasn't joking, he was banging two chicks while he has a wife and two kids.
Hopefully this isn't "business as usual" between lobbyists and politicians. The lobbyist is married also. I wonder how she's going to explain that to her husband? "Honey, I had to bang him to get him to listen to my agenda. Everybody does it." :rolleyes:


Audioholic General
Wow I bet this is the first time anything like this has happened.........:rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Funny thing is, one of the hot girls that used to to sales for my company recently quit to do lobbying for PG&E. Maybe I should run for office. ;)


Full Audioholic

he says he did joke. I wouldn't be surprised some guys talk like that. After seeing his picture I doubt he was getting any. What 19 year old would want to hit that?
I don't really see anything on there that indicates joking (which makes sense, because if you look at what he actually said, there's no way they were "jokes" by even the most liberal definition of the word).

It appears that he's just trying to say he was lying. But as far as I'm concerned the things he said were way too specific and weird for it to just be lies to try and make himself look cool in front of the other politicians.

A joke is seeing a girl and saying "oh yeah, I nailed her" or similar. Saying "so, we had made love Wednesday–a lot!… she’s all, ‘I am going ?up and down the stairs, and you’re dripping out of me!’ So messy."???

That doesn't really seem jokey to me. It seems too weird and specific to be lying either. Why would you make THAT up? If I'm gonna make up a lie about a chick I'm gonna say I banged her so many times she had to go to the hospital with third degree friction burns.

I am NOT going to say that she dripped goof-juice out of her hoo-haw all over my new carpet.
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Audioholic Spartan
Money, sex, and power. I'm afraid it more the rule than the exception. Especially when politics / public service is involved.:(

Hey, what's a hoo-haw:confused:


Full Audioholic
It's the part of the female anatomy that dribbles goof-juice all over your new carpet after Mike Duvall has unprotected sex with someone.


Audioholic Jedi
Normal or not, this kind of stuff sickens me.

Even if the morality of it doesn't bother someone, the implications should. If someone doesn't honor a legal and/or religiously binding commitment to their spouse, why should we trust them to honor any verbal commitments to us?

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