EMP E5Ti Impression Series Speakers - Unbelievable Value



WOW that's a smoken deal!

I just don't get how the admins hear talk about EMP like it's some third party from Audioholics. Isn't EMP only purchasable from this site and the EMP site? I was under the impression that EMP was created via a deal between RBH and Audioholics, LLC. Hey isn't the impressions given here a SLIGHT form of astroturfing? I don't question the speakers are a hell of a deal and must sound great. I'd also like to know how Audioholics could possible write an unbiased review of these speakers when the bottom line will be affect by the review. This is not an attack ok so I don't expect one in return. Really I think it's great Audioholics/EMP have such a deal with RBH to bring speakers at this performance/pricepoint to market. Way to go guys!

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Audioholics Master Chief
I just don't get how the admins hear talk about EMP like it's some third party from Audioholics. Isn't EMP only purchasable from this site and the EMP site? I was under the impression that EMP was created via a deal between RBH and Audioholics, LLC. Hey isn't the impressions given here a SLIGHT form of astroturfing? I don't question the speakers are a hell of a deal and must sound great. I'd also like to know how Audioholics could possible write an unbiased review of these speakers when the bottom line will be affect by the review. This is not an attack ok so I don't expect one in return. Really I think it's great Audioholics/EMP have such a deal with RBH to bring speakers at this performance/pricepoint to market. Way to go guys!

EMP products can also be purchased on their webste and distribution. EMP/RBH is not related to Audioholics in any way other than they advertise on the editorial site and sell product thru our online store. The same could be said about Yamaha, and any of our advertisers or any magazine that takes advertising $$$'s and reviews products.

Here is an example of an article we wrote about one of our biggest advertisers and their products we sell on our e-store:

you should also check out our Infinity speaker reviews which we also sell on our e-store.

It's funny to hear consumers wonder about our bias while I just got off the phone with one of our other long term advertisers that thinks our reviews of their products are too critical. We get this criticism often from our advertisers as they somehow think we will favor their products more just b/c they are buying ads on our site. Sorry thats not the way I run this site, nor how my admins or reviewers work. Anyone spending considerable time on this site surely recognizes this. If you don't trust the product/name b/c of the distribution through Audioholics then DON'T Buy Them! There are plenty of other great brands to chose from just as there are other good online and print magazines to read reviews from.

Please adhere to our forum rules by keeping this thread on topic and continuing in the Steam Vent if needed. thank you.


Well I think you guys are the most honest around that's for sure though that ain't saying much in this business. The recent Infinity review is proof as they are an ODM/OEM ion your line-card. If a speaker it really obviously hard to listen to and overpriced it's not hard, nor obvious to point it out though. We all know about egos and to what extent an owner of a particular piece will go to defend it's sonic merits and even more so if the person of opinion has an economic interest outside ownership. I personally believe opinion would be more skewed under those two circumstances that say a person changing out interconnects or speaker wire. Well unless they purchased segments from the snakeoilers worth more than say $150 bucks a piece and don't have the heavily sighted "30 day in house" return policy. And anyone who even entertains a $500+ power cord for review is an A-hole and everyone associated with them are tainted. Thing is though, outfits that do partake in such journalistic behavior have monikers and/or banner adds and use them via click-throughs to help market product and make $$$. Truth is the audio/video business sales/marketing business is one of the most shady and dishonest industries around. From the guy selling speakers outta a van in a pub parking lot and the shady person with a foreign accent at Futureshop/Bestbuy trying to CSP and Monster your A$$ to the snooty "high-end" shops and their BS and $2k stylus and the audiophile magazines with their glowing reviews with a full page ad spreads on reviewed product on the next page, it’s a horrible thing for a clueless consumer to walk into, make an informed purchase and have delivery of reasonably priced sonic joy per $. Yes Audioholics you’re an oasis of sorts in a sea of horrors but I feel it’s more akin to say flotsam and jetsam to hang onto for most or perhaps even a small life raft as it is a sea not a desert.


PS has Infinity been a longer term adspace customer or member of your store line-card?

PSS Ok you guys are a little more than a crappy life raft... More like one of those inflatable capsule units with a roof and EPIRB IF one reads between the lines and understands the relationships going on between reviewer and reviewies and how this industry markets...
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Full Audioholic
Wow "solid-state", that was quite a rant. Feel better now ?

How many of those shaddy and miserable audio dealers / reviewers / manufacturers you know allow full and open discussions about their products on their website ? How many would even allow your particular "opinions" to even remain on display on their web site, if they even allow discussion forums ?

As the admin said, you are quite free to NOT purchase anything from Audioholics if you doubt their value.

From this point on in the discussion, I think we all know fully where your personal bias enters the value of any further posts. Thanks for your opinions, now I think we can move on.


Well like it or not... It is a valid criticism. Problem has been raised for a multitude of publications, any of which take money from advertisers and reviews their products does tend to put itself in a conflict of interest situation. That's why regulations for many public positions try to prevents things from happening...

But anyhow, grain of salt applies. :) But these do look nice, some of us will soon have to pool together for a gift and for 400$ shipped these do look like a good deal, and if they sound good... For 4 or 500$, you don't have too much choice of nice floorstanders around here...

Nuance AH

Audioholic General
EMP products can also be purchased on their webste and distribution. EMP/RBH is not related to Audioholics in any way other than they advertise on the editorial site and sell product thru our online store. The same could be said about Yamaha, and any of our advertisers or any magazine that takes advertising $$$'s and reviews products.

Here is an example of an article we wrote about one of our biggest advertisers and their products we sell on our e-store:

you should also check out our Infinity speaker reviews which we also sell on our e-store.

It's funny to hear consumers wonder about our bias while I just got off the phone with one of our other long term advertisers that thinks our reviews of their products are too critical. We get this criticism often from our advertisers as they somehow think we will favor their products more just b/c they are buying ads on our site. Sorry thats not the way I run this site, nor how my admins or reviewers work. Anyone spending considerable time on this site surely recognizes this. If you don't trust the product/name b/c of the distribution through Audioholics then DON'T Buy Them! There are plenty of other great brands to chose from just as there are other good online and print magazines to read reviews from.

Please adhere to our forum rules by keeping this thread on topic and continuing in the Steam Vent if needed. thank you.
Well stated. I agree - Audioholics is something special, and the same cannot be said for the biased magazines like Stereophile. Have you ever even seen them come out and say "this speaker is bad, and this is why..." I know I haven't. Being critical is part of the job, and I respect that you guys do that, even if it means losing advertising dollars. Kudos to you guys.


I think I know where the problem originates. While admins may get offended and unhappy with my previous comments it is basically the same issue. The product is reviewed strictly positive. As we all know there's no ideal loudspeakers as of yet. This brand and model like any others will have it's own faults and drawbacks. So, saying it's a great deal in it's class doesn't really mean much except that the product is priced low and does not utterly suck compare to other low priced similar products.
Personally in order for me to validate the review I'd like to see:
1) full set of acoustic measurements.
It appears that you guys (admins) are completely capable of doing so.
2) internal construction (bracing, materials, sound absorption materials etc)
3) crossover network
4)do a simple knuckle test to hear how non resonant the box is if you don't have an accelerometer.
And only then subjective listening impressions given the fact that it was done in such and such a room while speakers were that many feet away from the wall.
Nobody is forcing nobody to buy anything here but by repeating and suggesting the same thing over and over again a general public opinion is formed.
See the jeopardy here is then you recommend a product, people will spend their hard earn money so you as a reviewer have a large responsibility. Look at Peter Aczels reviews for example.


I think I know where the problem originates. While admins may get offended and unhappy with my previous comments it is basically the same issue. The product is reviewed strictly positive. As we all know there's no ideal loudspeakers as of yet. This brand and model like any others will have it's own faults and drawbacks. So, saying it's a great deal in it's class doesn't really mean much except that the product is priced low and does not utterly suck compare to other low priced similar products.
Personally in order for me to validate the review I'd like to see:
1) full set of acoustic measurements.
It appears that you guys (admins) are completely capable of doing so.
2) internal construction (bracing, materials, sound absorption materials etc)
3) crossover network
4)do a simple knuckle test to hear how non resonant the box is if you don't have an accelerometer.
And only then subjective listening impressions given the fact that it was done in such and such a room while speakers were that many feet away from the wall.
Nobody is forcing nobody to buy anything here but by repeating and suggesting the same thing over and over again a general public opinion is formed.
See the jeopardy here is then you recommend a product, people will spend their hard earn money so you as a reviewer have a large responsibility. Look at Peter Aczels reviews for example.

You have read previous reviews from here correct? ...because they cover everything you stated plus more and have been doing so since 2002.


Audioholic Ninja
I think I know where the problem originates. While admins may get offended and unhappy with my previous comments it is basically the same issue. The product is reviewed strictly positive. As we all know there's no ideal loudspeakers as of yet. This brand and model like any others will have it's own faults and drawbacks. So, saying it's a great deal in it's class doesn't really mean much except that the product is priced low and does not utterly suck compare to other low priced similar products.
Personally in order for me to validate the review I'd like to see:
1) full set of acoustic measurements.
It appears that you guys (admins) are completely capable of doing so.
2) internal construction (bracing, materials, sound absorption materials etc)
3) crossover network
4)do a simple knuckle test to hear how non resonant the box is if you don't have an accelerometer.
And only then subjective listening impressions given the fact that it was done in such and such a room while speakers were that many feet away from the wall.
Nobody is forcing nobody to buy anything here but by repeating and suggesting the same thing over and over again a general public opinion is formed. See the jeopardy here is then you recommend a product, people will spend their hard earn money so you as a reviewer have a large responsibility. Look at Peter Aczels reviews for example.
Repeating your diatribe suggesting the same thing over and over again only shows that you're not paying attention.

These were preliminary auditions and listening reports, and were stated as such. As I've stated twice to you now, I have no stake in either Audioholics or EMP. And as far as I know, I'm the first to give you a blind A/B test with ANY speakers. Because I don't meet your demands for meaningful and scientifically accurate (if incompletely useful) testing protocols (though you never asked about my A/B'ing methods), you make assumptions that show you are quite unfamiliar with this forum. Matt's post in on the mark.

You have been told that a formal review by Audioholics is forthcoming. You can and have sarcastically disparaged me for telling people I heard the towers and compared them to some I was familiar with in a blind test (and that's all I did). But it was never presented as anything more. I was asked what I thought of them, and I gave my brief opinion (EDIT: a clearly stated OPINION with biases mentioned for full disclosure and it was not all positive).

You seem to already have all your own answers, so I don't know why you even bother to ask questions on here. Aren't there some conspiracy theory forums you should be attending to?
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Audioholic Jedi
Aren't there some conspiracy theory forums you should be attending to?
I'm currently contemplating the absurdity of the "single post" theory. No single post could have accomplished it. There must have been one or more posts submitted by at least one other forum member on the grassy web - posts that were then deleted by those in power. I don't care what the official report says.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm currently contemplating the absurdity of the "single post" theory. No single post could have accomplished it. There must have been one or more posts submitted by at least one other forum member on the grassy web - posts that were then deleted by those in power. I don't care what the official report says.
Yeah, see that's it. BOTH Dave and I posted. 2 = conspiracy.

But I think I'll just ignore the gent and keep posting my opinions freely without worry whether or not I 'bias someone into spending their hard earned money' or it doesn't fit into someone's opinion of post worthy-ness.

(Psssst...hey, buddy. I like Aerial Acoustic speakers, too!) :D


Audioholic Jedi
Not to derail the debate, but I have a question. It certainly might have already been asked and answered (in which case, I apologize), but does anyone know what type of finish is on these? The picture below makes it look "dimply" (I have a way with words, I know) and not smooth - which makes it looks cheap to me. I can't explain why, but it does.



Hey, look, disregard my comments and questions. None of them have any reasoning behind it or legitimacy. I am a conspiracy theorist and generally a nut-job. Your preliminary review was exceptionally responsible and very informative.
Not answering any of the asked questions and belittling the person who asked them is a good deal! Congratulations.:)
So what was the finish? A coat of glossy clear plastic over a plastic wood picture or was an actual wood veneer? Or did you fail to look then you described gorgeous finish?

A, see Adam is sweet and to the point.
And it's called "orange peel" If the speaker case is finished in a sprayed finish (hand or machine applied) the final coat leveling has to do with the quickness and quality of the application. Higher the build up, higher the gloss, more apparent the imperfections. Unfortunately if it's done cheaply it looks cheap.
If the case is plasti coated in a membrane press it may have to do with the adjustment of the press itself.
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Hey, look, disregard my comments and questions. None of them have any reasoning behind it or legitimacy. I am a conspiracy theorist and generally a nut-job. Your preliminary review was exceptionally responsible and very informative.
Not answering any of the asked questions and belittling the person who asked them is a good deal! Congratulations.:)
So what was the finish? A coat of glossy clear plastic over a plastic wood picture or was an actual wood veneer? Or did you fail to look then you described gorgeous finish?

A, see Adam is sweet and to the point.
You started off half cocked and the official review isn't even out. Back up and take a break. This type of "promotion" for future products is not unique to either Audioholoics or EMP.


Audioholic Ninja
Not to derail the debate, but I have a question. It certainly might have already been asked and answered (in which case, I apologize), but does anyone know what type of finish is on these? The picture below makes it look "dimply" (I have a way with words, I know) and not smooth - which makes it looks cheap to me. I can't explain why, but it does.

Maybe those that have the speakers will chime in. I saw nothing like that when I looked at them.

They were in a home theater when I auditioned them...it wasn't the brightest, lightest of environments. But what I saw was a lovely, high-gloss finished burl wood veneer.


Full Audioholic
Maybe those that have the speakers will chime in. I saw nothing like that when I looked at them.
I looked over all of them again, and the finish on these does not have the orange peel effect seen in the photo. I'll try to take some close-up pictures later (I had to look 'em over with a flashlight - they're not in the best place for photos right now).

Just a guess - is it posible the one in the photo above was a prototype? Don't know, but the 5.1 set I got were production models and all with very smooth and even finish.

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