If every aspect of health care has a cost associated with it in the same sense as any other business, a hospital will need to charge a certain amount in order to break even, right? As I see it, if the government decides to force the providers to lower their charges for care, I can only see the providers getting out of the business if they stop making enough profit, and we all know hospitals are already closing because they aren't being paid for non-paying ER visits. If Obama wants a single payer system, and he campaigned on that plan, the only ways the cost to the users of this method will see lower costs will be due to receiving less care or if fewer patients use it, IMO. If doctors and nurses can't make enough to maintain their lifestyle, they'll do something else. Even if the government forces the hospitals, suppliers and medical staff to accept less for what they do or sell, government involvement or control will add to the cost because as we all know, government ain't free and it's one of the least efficient entities on the planet.