Full Audioholic
You obviously are not, otherwise you would realize that the passive components used in the crossover will affect the signal more than any reasonable length of speaker wire ever could. If the placebo effect (which my medical school professors went out of their way to discuss in the first hour of class) is strong enough to jump-start your body's healing mechanisms into CURING DISEASES then it sure as hell can influence your perceptions of what you hear.Also,
PS I'm not even an EE or Physicist
I have a biomedical engineering degree from a university that focuses on imaging and electrical signals and the only time the type of wire being used was even mentioned was regarding the superconducting coils used to produce high-strength magnetic fields in MRI. So if lamp cord (essentially what is used to connect any non-integrated internal electronic circuit) is good enough to use to save someone's life, then it's good enough for my speakers.