Where else can you go and read any and all audio magazines, and any magazines at all for that matter. ....for free!
And, if that's not enough, you can get coffee and various yuppie drinks and snacks to enjoy while you drool over the new, overpriced stuff you know you can't afford!
But wait, there's more!!!
Now you even have free access to the internet, as long as your 'puter has a decent battery and a built-in wireless card.
So, bring in some earplugs, pick up a book, magazine or even a comic book and/or surf the net, all for free and having the option of enjoying a drink and snack if you don't mind dropping a few bucks.
I mean, how cool is that?
Oh, you can buy books and CD's as well...
But, be good guests and always put the magizines back where they came from. Don't just leave 'em on the table for the staff to put away, like some lazy SOB's do.