Obama has asked for a civilian militia, as well funded, trained and armed as the U.S. military. I wonder why.

Why does he want to do that? And just who are they going to fight? You? Me? The U.S. military? Hmmm.
As bad as this sounds, this quote has kept me awake at 2:30AM when I need to be to work at 7AM.
Yes, Obama's domestic federal militia will be armed soldiers stationed in or near major American cities, trained to suppress American citizens in American cities and equipped with all the necessary modern military equipment to conquer and kill Americans. What other purpose could a domestic federal army have given the existing presence of US Armed Forces, State Reserve Troops, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, etc., not to mention local municipal, county and state police.
What made me think of this so long is a comment I made earlier about what part of Obama's agenda he hasn't told the American public yet. Perhaps there is something in his long term agenda that he fears will cause a violent uprising of citizens against their gov't. Let's face it, most revolutions happen quickly. They must because the element of surprise is their greatest weapon. When a gov't is about to turn on it's people, it will happen quickly. The people will not be prepared...but the gov't will.
Not only that, but now that Obama has publicly declared his desire for a domestic federal militia, you had better believe that somebody in his administration is quietly working on a plan, a draft of legislation, lobbying or coercing politicians and/or any and all steps necessary to bring this to fruition. No politician, Obama included, would publicly state the need to have a domestic army AIMED AT THEIR OWN CITIZENS unless they believed they had the political or coercive power to make that happen.
You may not hear of this policy again until it is a done deal so take Obama's initial comments as a warning and be afraid. Be very afraid.