Not having any children, take my point of view with a grain of salt.
I feel kids today have everything going against them. You can't spank a kid to teach him that actions have consequences, so kids know they can get away with everything. Heck I said "Danggit" and would get an *** beating with a dessert of ivory soap in the mouth. Kids today tell their folks to "F off" in public (I see it almost daily)
Kids today (not all mind you just generalizing) think the world owes them EVERYTHING and it better be served on a silver platter. Were I was taught at the age of four that if you want something, you work (chores) and earn what you want to buy, this teaches kids to respect what they have and take care of it and feel a sense of accomplishment after working hard to buy something they want. Not just getting it because they want it or throwing a tantrum till they get it. Heck if I dared even raise my voice in public, my mother could scare me stupid with a look and I knew right then and there, "Matt, shut the hell up and behave yourself, or an arse whuppin was coming.
Now before I continue my parents never beat me, just spankings. And every spanking I ever got, looking back, I sure deserved everyone of em. Heck the worst part was picking the weapon I would get spanked with. Switch from the backyard, belt or Matchbook orange racetrack (made of heavy plastic) but I am a far better adult because my folks taught me that there are consequences.
Parents today feel that the have to compete with the neighbors kids who do get things served on a silver platter, so they do the same thing, even if they can't afford it. As with most kids there is a breakdown in proper parenting and a parent should realize they need to be a parent and not their kids best friend. Their kids need to be shown that life isnt fair and that kids are gonna be picked last, that humilation is a part of growing up and that fights with other kids should be with fists and not weapons. Heck some of my best friends started out as enemies and it was decided in the school yard. You either got beat or gave em a beating, but afterwards there was a mutual respect because you stood your ground and no one could argue with that.
I was born into a very wealthy family, the kind of wealth that makes you go "Damn" but my father made sure everything I wanted, I earned. I worked three jobs to put myself through college (even though my folks could easily pay for it without even missing the money) and because my folks made so much money, I did not qualify for any Pell grants and tuitions. So I worked and I am the better person for it. I have a nice house and nice car and enjoy my life and never had to ask a dime from the folks...not that they would give me any to begin with.
I will occasionally catch a show like "My Sweet Sixteen" and seeing how spoiled these brats are and them getting Mercedes and Porsches for the 16th just boggles my mind.
Another thing is since parents are being parents they don't supervise their kids who are watching ultra violent movies, playing violent video games and since they haven't been taught there are consequences for actions, they take guns and bombs to school.
***please note I am not saying you guys are doing this to your kids, but you have to understand many parents are not parenting and this is creating an overall shift and we are just starting to see the begining effects of kids who were never told, "No"
Please also note, as an outsider with no kids, I am most likely wrong, this is just my point of view with what I see.