Excellent post. I love the Bose correlation. People here screaming till they're blue that government should run more like private industry. HA!
Hooker Chemical, Bose, GM & Chrysler, MCI Worldcom, Enron, Exxon Valdez, the list goes on and on AND ON AND ON! That was only 2 seconds worth of thinking of examples! Private industry is full of Bernie Madoffs that we will never know about, and there are very VERY few Warren Buffets in the world today. Profits drive all, public well-being be damned. If someone doesn't see that, they're blissfully ignorant.
And what schools do people attend where communism = socialism?!?! I can see the googling commence without looking at your screens too...
YOU live in a plutocracy with a puppet government. Get it through your heads already. Your political party means jack, your clouded vision of personal grandure and success are misguilded, and you only defend the upper 2% because you hold onto that clouded vision as if the system as it is will allow you to rise to that level at some point in your life. Private industry is not our saving grace, it's a machine that has been given so much power that it would sooner watch you drown in your own feces than flush a single toilet if it means it gets to increase its profits.
Sad thing is, with most people there is no in-between. There is the correct idea (theirs) and every other idea (anyone else's). I don't think someone younger than me is a clueless idiot and someone older than me is out of touch with reality. We could all come up with a most-some (satisfy most of the people some of the time) solution together, but that wouldn't be the right way. Majority rules and no one else's opinions or situation mean squat.