The socialist modus operandi is to create instabilty and conflict in the existing institutional and societal order, call it anarchy. It fits. While they are promoting anarchy to destroy the existing social order, they themselves intend to be highly organized and cohesive. Anarchy is a tool leading to a greater goal. Once society is destabilized and insecure, as a rule, populations beg for order and security even at the expense of their freedom. The socialists intend to be the faction that brings that order to the destabilized society, in their own fashion of course.
If you want to see this program in action, look to Putin's rise and his transition of Russia from a promising democratic capitalist state to it's current repressive communist regime. This is a model for the socialist transition in the USA. The only thing that's slowing the socialists down in the US is the constitution and the cultural tradition that still places a value on freedom, limited gov't and free enterprise.
Well, gosh. Look at this. Obama says we would know him by his associates. How about that Bill Ayers (oops...he forgot they were pals) and now his new buddy, Ayers' fellow Weather Undergroud founder, Jeff Jones. Jeff Jones...yeah, the same guy who was a fugitive from justice for 10 is at least partially responsible for writing the STIMULUS BILL! And he even sits on the New York Fed!!
But what's a slimey radical like Jeff Jones got that Van Jones ain't got?! Yeah...THAT Van Jones...founder of black nationalist Bay Area groups and self-avowed communist. Van Jones...Obama's new Green Jobs Czar.
And to think we were worried about no-accounts like Rev. Wright and such.
You know, it seems to me that despite my radical youth, I have no associates that are communists...nor friends who are racist nationalists...nor even any anti-capitalists. And here we have a president that surrounds himself with lots of these people...people like his FCC fairness Czar that praises Chavez's revolutionary takeover of Venezuela ...and this guy wants to craft the "Fairness Doctrine" to shut down any programming he dislikes, and in fact technically destroy the first amendment. He has other advisors that believe, as even the loyal puppy VP has stated, we need a NEW Bill of Rights...modeled after FDR's proposals.
How many of you even KNOW a communist or socialist or violent radical? Obama has some in his administration.
And I wonder how many people out there voted for Obama thinking that CHANGE meant a more articulate and caring leader. Someone with brains (that Bush was clearly lacking). Someone who would render the Constitution back on its feet (no more stupid Patriot Acts or torture). But I don't think anyone thought that by CHANGE Obama meant socialism or communism. I'll give Obama one thing...he was pretty honest. He kept telling everyone that he would bring FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE to the U.S. of A.
Well, you're gettin' it, pardner.
And by the any of you even know who wrote the Cap and Trade Bill? The Stimulus Plan? The Healthcare Bill proposal? Do you even care? Do you even care that your congressional representative likely did not read or understand any of those bills/proposals before voting on them? Do you know what the debt burden is on U.S. citizens? (About 1/4 MILLION per person and counting.) Do you favor spending these trillions of dollars, going further in debt "TO GET OUT OF DEBT" as we are told by Byden? As I've said before, Marx himself wrote that if you bring down a country's economy, you can destabilize it. You can then mold the country to anything you want.
I kinda think this country better wake up soon and take control of it's government. These guys running it are representing their own interest, or at best their special interests...not those who elected them to represent them. I'm not talking about Democrats or Republicans. I'm talking Politicians and the oligarchy that is running this country. Two senators (one Rep and one Dem) are now proposing a bill that the president have the power to "take over" and shut down private networks (in fact he could shut down THE internet) if the president declares an emergency. Hmmm. (Sounds like science fiction, doesn't it?)
Obama has asked for a civilian militia, as well funded, trained and armed as the U.S. military. I wonder why.
Why does he want to do that? And just who are they going to fight? You? Me? The U.S. military? Hmmm.