

Audioholic Jedi
I've always appreciated it when people let me share in the thrill of unboxing new gear, so here are some photos of me unpacking my new Oppo.

I was seriously impressed by both the packing of the unit and the build quality of the unit itself. Now that I've seen just how impressive the 980 is, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't wait for the BDP-83 to get back in stock and give my existing BD60 to my buddy (instead of buying him one and keeping mine). However, I also think that I'll like having two disc players for versatility, so I'm not really upset or anything.

The unit comes wrapped in a nice reusable cloth shell that is velcroed shut.



Audioholic Field Marshall
What a $1115 SACD looks like. :D

Ah, very nice, sir. I thought I had it nailed on the fat Russian baby thing. The second thing I was thinking if it really wasn't a receiver was a 2nd SVS sub, as they are around 110 lbs, but I really didn't think you would need/want a second one of those beasts.

So, I am not feeling like looking up what those things cost, but it seems like you got a pretty dang good deal.

Details are needed, and I am sure you will provide. I must bid you good evening though, I have a fence to paint tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to it, but it might pay the rent.

Welcome back! However, I will say that if you need to back off on the posting for your own survival, I fully support you. My name is *****, and I am an Audioholic. :D


Audioholic Jedi
So, I am not feeling like looking up what those things cost, but it seems like you got a pretty dang good deal.
No deals for me, really. Best Buy did give me $50 off of the list price on the VSX-23, but then I had to pay $70 in taxes. So, the receiver cost me about $920. The Oppo was from Amazon and cost $170. You nailed it for the SACD - it cost $29.


Audioholic Slumlord
The unit comes wrapped in a nice reusable cloth shell that is velcroed shut.
Velcro like Teflon is always capitalized ;) (I want to be a spelling geek when I grow up) but that little feature must have been all it took for you to mess your pants before even getting it plugged in :eek: ... Oh the shame. :D

The Oppo had me thinking Blu-ray but I couldn't get the numbers to jive with $1115. I got it now. With my set up I like to play the Brothers in Arms in the SACD stereo layer because I can EQ that but not all 6 channels and I feel that my PC350 center is a weak link compared to my slightly modified Primus 360 towers (all Infinity) but it's cool to be able to do this, that and the other.

Glad to hear that your hiatus wasn't brought on by anything serious. :)


Audioholic Spartan
No deals for me, really. Best Buy did give me $50 off of the list price on the VSX-23, but then I had to pay $70 in taxes. So, the receiver cost me about $920. The Oppo was from Amazon and cost $170. You nailed it for the SACD - it cost $29.
Wait...what??? The receiver came from Best Buy???

I'm not falling for your little trick. Who are you and what did you do with Adam? The real Adam only buys from Amazon and Amazon sells receivers so there's no way that Adam bought a receiver at Best Buy unless he's some kind of ersatz Adam.


Audioholic Overlord
Congrats Adam, that's fun stuff you got there.

I am a bit concerned with all your spending the past couple of months. Don't you know about the economy?

Strube is on a roll, one funny dude.

I don't like Alex now that he has a job...


Audioholic Spartan
Looking good, Adam!

Boy you left me in the stone age!:eek::D

Oh, and tell Pork Chop that you'll capitalize what you want.:eek::p:):D


Audioholic Jedi
Wait...what??? The receiver came from Best Buy???

I'm not falling for your little trick. Who are you and what did you do with Adam? The real Adam only buys from Amazon and Amazon sells receivers so there's no way that Adam bought a receiver at Best Buy unless he's some kind of ersatz Adam.
I tried, brother. I tried! I wanted me some Pioneer Elite action, though, and Amazon doesn't sell those. If they would have price matched the Denon 4310 last weekend, I would have bought it. I'm glad that they didn't, because after seeing the Denon 4310 and the VSX-23 side by side at Best Buy on Wednesday after work (I'd seen them last Thursday, but I was paying more attention the second time), I liked the looks of the Pioneer better.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Congrats Adam. Did you stay up the whole night hooking it up? I hope you didn't forget a HDMI cable for the panasonic so you can get that ready to go. The 980H should have come with one. Funny the only SACD I have is the Brothers in Arms as well. Very cool. I want some pics of the Elite!:D

Glad you are back.


Audioholic Spartan
Hmmmmmmm, I guess the only part of your system left to upgrade is the speakers....:D


Full Audioholic
I have NHT 1.3As in the back on my system. They had been my mains until I got my 603s and 600... they're 17 years old and still sound sweet.


Audioholic Jedi
Congrats Adam. Did you stay up the whole night hooking it up? I hope you didn't forget a HDMI cable for the panasonic so you can get that ready to go. The 980H should have come with one. Funny the only SACD I have is the Brothers in Arms as well. Very cool. I want some pics of the Elite!:D

Glad you are back.
Good to be back, thanks!

I bought the Pioneer on Wednesday after work, and I have yet to open the box. Yes, my shame is almost overwhelming. :) The Oppo arrived yesterday. I will definitely have pics of the Pioneer once I get that unboxed.

I didn't realize that the Oppo came with an HDMI cable until I unpacked it, so I had gone ahead and ordered two (their like Lays, you can't order just one) from Monoprice. Had I known that it came with one, I would have had enough for the system. No worries, though, as now I'll have a couple of spares in case I add anything else.


Audioholic Spartan
Very nice Adam!
Can't wait to see the Pioneer out of the box.

You may have to join Over-spenders Anonymous.:D
Do you need me to hold your credit cards for a while? They'd be safe with me;
I'm the saver in the family, it's my wife we'll have to watch out for.


Audioholic Spartan
I didn't realize that the Oppo came with an HDMI cable until I unpacked it, so I had gone ahead and ordered two (their like Lays, you can't order just one) from Monoprice. Had I known that it came with one, I would have had enough for the system. No worries, though, as now I'll have a couple of spares in case I add anything else.
I think they make for very nice, modest, gifts. :) There's always someone who needs an HDMI cable for some reason or another, and people think of it as a $40-$80 item. So you give them this beefy thing with gold plated connectors, that costs less than $10, but they're quite appreciative. :p

So, what's next? Theater seating? :p

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  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis