The government takes first steps to the "Turn in your neighbor" policy



Audioholic Overlord
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Now this greatly concerns me.

Didn't Obama get elected due to the viral community? Now he wants to stifle it when it's used to question his actions?

What's next? Re-education camps?

It's gonna be a long four years and heaven knows how many more to recover from them, if we can.


"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Now this greatly concerns me.

Didn't Obama get elected due to the viral community? Now he wants to stifle it when it's used to question his actions?

What's next? Re-education camps?

It's gonna be a long four years and heaven knows how many more to recover from them, if we can.
Yep... Hopefully the program will get dumped very soon... BTW gots to save my thanks for later;)


Seriously, I have no life.
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Now this greatly concerns me.

Didn't Obama get elected due to the viral community? Now he wants to stifle it when it's used to question his actions?

What's next? Re-education camps?

It's gonna be a long four years and heaven knows how many more to recover from them, if we can.
He also said he wanted all information out in the open but that's hardly how he has operated. I'd really like that whole mob to be required to open up about the bailouts, TARP, CARS and every little expense they're shoving through at our expense, under the guise of "stimulating the economy".

Did you see the one about the CARS website where the screen shows that by continuing, that computer becomes property of the US government and it may be accessed when they deem it necessary?

Well, they wanted change- this is definitely change.


Audioholic Ninja
He also said he wanted all information out in the open but that's hardly how he has operated. I'd really like that whole mob to be required to open up about the bailouts, TARP, CARS and every little expense they're shoving through at our expense, under the guise of "stimulating the economy".

Did you see the one about the CARS website where the screen shows that by continuing, that computer becomes property of the US government and it may be accessed when they deem it necessary?

Well, they wanted change- this is definitely change.
Yep, and all the information that's on those computers are subject to copying and disseminatation to governmental agencies, domestic AND FOREIGN! What the....!? So much for the 4th Ammendment. (Oh yeah, I forgot. We have a few on board here who think the Constitution is out of date and has nothing to do with the great success of this nation. Sorry for bringing it up. :p) Where is the hue and cry that went up over the Patriot Act?

Turn in your neighbor? Have you also seen Obama's video clips where he is promoting a CIVILIAN ARMY equal in power, scope, funding, and muscle to the military?! Sounds a little like '30's Germany, yes?! We're in really deep guano here, folks. I hope the goofballs of this country wake up before it's too late. Our economy is officially in the tank, no matter what the creampuff media and lords, er...politicians tell you. (Fire every one of these incompetent nincompoops next election!)

Now see what you've done, Mark/highfigh?! You've gotten me started all over again. I've been trying to avoid these threads, and accept my place as a quietly aging senile and much too frail and dumb curmudgeon to fight the revolution any more. :eek:


Damn we are in trouble...................WTF is going on in Washington? I am really glad I moved to the west coast and got away from DC.......


Audioholic Overlord
Yep, and all the information that's on those computers are subject to copying and disseminatation to governmental agencies, domestic AND FOREIGN! What the....!? So much for the 4th Ammendment. (Oh yeah, I forgot. We have a few on board here who think the Constitution is out of date and has nothing to do with the great success of this nation. Sorry for bringing it up. :p) Where is the hue and cry that went up over the Patriot Act?

Turn in your neighbor? Have you also seen Obama's video clips where he is promoting a CIVILIAN ARMY equal in power, scope, funding, and muscle to the military?! Sounds a little like '30's Germany, yes?! We're in really deep guano here, folks. I hope the goofballs of this country wake up before it's too late. Our economy is officially in the tank, no matter what the creampuff media and lords, er...politicians tell you. (Fire every one of these incompetent nincompoops next election!)

Now see what you've done, Mark/highfigh?! You've gotten me started all over again. I've been trying to avoid these threads, and accept my place as a quietly aging senile and much too frail and dumb curmudgeon to fight the revolution any more. :eek:
Sounds like a bunch of mularkey to me. People always cry conspiracy.:rolleyes: Most of it is bunk. It's not like the government can't take you out already if you're a threat to national security.;) Running a country requires getting your hands dirty at times. This is why all politicians are dirty. You gotta get dirty to have a succesful nation. For all the bs the Bush Administration put us through it seems you guys can't take it from the other side. :p
It's ok though we'll run this country into the ground soon enough for you to say I told you so. :D


Audioholic Ninja
He also said he wanted all information out in the open but that's hardly how he has operated. I'd really like that whole mob to be required to open up about the bailouts, TARP, CARS and every little expense they're shoving through at our expense, under the guise of "stimulating the economy".
So much for his "transparency" promise. Both left and right leaning policy groups have now filed lawsuits demanding information on just WHO attended the White House meetings regarding health care legislation strategy. The White House has finally given up the names of the organizations involved, but still will not release the names of who represented his administration in those meetings (very important because of conflict of interest issues).

For what it's worth, it looks like much of the Obama proposal and talking points on the health care bills were developed by the SEIU's chief organizer AND ACORN chief, Wade Rathke.

And by the way, what is with Obama's 44 (and counting) Czars??!! Are these big paying jobs given to cronies or do they have real power? One, the "Green Jobs Czar" is a self-avowed Communist, former Black Nationalist and prison inmate, Van Jones. Another, John Holdren the Science Czar, has promoted mandatory abortion and population controls via government tainting of water supplies.

Just what is going on in DC!?!?!?! :mad:

I'm with Jamie...but I'm glad I'm in an out of the way rural area, too.


Audioholic Ninja
For all the bs the Bush Administration put us through it seems you guys can't take it from the other side. :p
It's ok though we'll run this country into the ground soon enough for you to say I told you so. :D
Don't you lump me in with Bush lovers. I hated the guy. Between him and Obama, I can't tell the difference. Both of them are driving this country into the deepest economic crisis in 80 years and kicking the Constitution down the road with it.

And if you think the rest of what I said in conspiratorial, you haven't looked at the clips or dug very deeply into the news.

Here you go, lsiberian....
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Seriously, I have no life.
Yep, and all the information that's on those computers are subject to copying and disseminatation to governmental agencies, domestic AND FOREIGN! What the....!? So much for the 4th Ammendment. (Oh yeah, I forgot. We have a few on board here who think the Constitution is out of date and has nothing to do with the great success of this nation. Sorry for bringing it up. :p) Where is the hue and cry that went up over the Patriot Act?

Turn in your neighbor? Have you also seen Obama's video clips where he is promoting a CIVILIAN ARMY equal in power, scope, funding, and muscle to the military?! Sounds a little like '30's Germany, yes?! We're in really deep guano here, folks. I hope the goofballs of this country wake up before it's too late. Our economy is officially in the tank, no matter what the creampuff media and lords, er...politicians tell you. (Fire every one of these incompetent nincompoops next election!)

Now see what you've done, Mark/highfigh?! You've gotten me started all over again. I've been trying to avoid these threads, and accept my place as a quietly aging senile and much too frail and dumb curmudgeon to fight the revolution any more. :eek:
What you just posted is exactly what I and others warned against and have tried to keep on top of discussions, so it's not forgotten. With all of the press releases, youtube, viral videos and mis-information being thrown around in addition to them tossing shiny objects into the sunlight in order to distract people, we need to make sure these "Community Organizers with no experience in anything other than making handout programs larger" turds don't get away with it. The biggest problem is that so many of the people who voted for him did so because of the thing that has always been considered wrong, but they don't see it that way. They see it as "It's about damn time". This reminds me of what happened in Walnut, CA. The Latinos demanded a recall
election so they could "have a government who represents us better". The whole city government was booted, except the seats held by "theirs". A couple of years later, the place was a shambles in terms of how well things worked, what got done and any relationships at the county, state and federal levels.

The hypocrisy is disgusting, they're condescending, arrogant and history will show that they should never have been elected. The thing that makes it worse is that by appointing czars (I hope nobody misses the irony of using that name) to high governmental positions, the appointees can't be recalled by the voters. Our form of government is supposed to be elected, not appointed with no debate by the constituents. This is one of the reasons the Colonists revolted in the first place- 'Taxation without Representation'. We're losing the ability of controlling the government and when we're controlled by them, we're totally screwed. They work for us, not the other way around. By the time they're done, we won't have a Tax Freedom day.


Seriously, I have no life.
Sounds like a bunch of mularkey to me. People always cry conspiracy.:rolleyes: Most of it is bunk. It's not like the government can't take you out already if you're a threat to national security.;) Running a country requires getting your hands dirty at times. This is why all politicians are dirty. You gotta get dirty to have a succesful nation. For all the bs the Bush Administration put us through it seems you guys can't take it from the other side. :p
It's ok though we'll run this country into the ground soon enough for you to say I told you so. :D
The Bush admin wasn't trying to make the US into a Socialist nation. If Algore had been elected in '00, we would be is worse shape than we are, IMO. Kerry would have been worse.

The US was founded as a Federal Republic. We are far from that now.


Senior Audioholic

(10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.

(9) Directions to your doctor's office include "Take a left when you enter the trailer park."

(8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.

(7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter.

(6) The only item listed under Preventive Care Coverage is "an apple a day...”

(5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.

(4) The line, "The patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges," is not a typographical error.

(3) The only expense covered 100% is "embalming."

(2) Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M's on them.


(1) You ask for Viagra and they give you a Popsicle stick and duct tape.


Senior Audioholic
No the Turn in your neighbor program was started by George Bush in 2002.

But apparently it's not tyranny when a conservative calls for neighbors to spy on each other and report any "suspicious" activity.


Justice Department Prepares Citizen Watch. USDOJ registered postal workers, plumbers, police and painters .. spying on you in your home Newswire July 19, 2002

Back in the late 1990's a new sci-fi show entitled "Babylon 5" made its debut on TV. Taking place amidst the turmoil of increasingly manipulative government on earth Babylon 5 was a five mile long city in space. Built by earth, it played home to 250,000 inhabitants encompassing the best and worst of numerous civilizations. It was billed as the last great hope for humanity.

As our own planet slid out of democracy and into a federally manipulated totalitarianism, government representatives from earth arrived on Babylon 5 to recruit people for something called "The Night Watch."

It started innocuously enough. Publicly spirited citizens (mostly government employees), were appealed to on grounds of patriotism and keeping earth safe. They were simply asked to keep an eye out for any out of the ordinary activity. In time, undesirables were defined as anyone who spoke any words of criticism, no matter how innocuous.

In mid July 2002, the AP reported that the US Department of Justice would be asking millions of Americans to watch for suspicious activity and report it to the government under a program that they were organizing.

Operation TIPS - Terrorism Information and Prevention System - drew prompt criticism from civil rights advocates, forcing government officials to deny that it would result in Americans spying on each other.

"The last thing we want is Americans spying on Americans,'' Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge said in an interview with radio reporters. "That's just not what the TIPS program is all about.''

The plan drew a stronger response from the American Civil Liberties Union.

"The administration apparently wants to implement a program that will turn local cable or gas or electrical technicians into government-sanctioned Peeping Toms,'' Rachel King, an ACLU legislative counsel, said in a statement.

The ACLU said it was concerned that these volunteers would, in effect, be searching people's homes without warrants.

What the ACLU or Tom Ridge failed to clarify was that TIPS circumvents the unreasonable search and seizure provisions of our already denuded Fourth Amendment. It nullifies protection of the Exclusionary Rule. It is a control gimmick deftly lifted from the lexicon of Nazi Germany.

Barbara Comstock, director of public affairs for the Justice Department, replied that the project is still under development. She denied Justice had any intent for people to enter or have access to the homes of individuals.

She went on to explain that the idea was to organize information from people whose jobs take them through neighborhoods, along the coasts and highways and on public transit. It was to provide a central reporting point for unusual but non-emergency situations. Among those involved in the program would be mail carriers and others.

Tom Ridge told reporters that people in certain occupations are ideal observers. "They might pick up a break in the certain rhythm or pattern of a community. They may pick up in the course of their daily business something that's very unusual.''

He noted that the program is currently voluntary.

Operation TIPS is a part of the Citizen Corps, an initiative announced by President Bush in his State of the Union address.

The Postal Service issued a statement saying it has had preliminary discussions with the Department of Justice and Bush's homeland security office, but no final agreements have been reached.

"It is important to note, however, that the Postal Service has [already] established processes for our postal employees nationwide to report suspicious activity to the Postal Inspection Service and to local authorities,'' the agency said.

Justice plans to begin the project in August in 10 cities, to be selected. Participants will be able to report anything unusual to a toll-free phone number.

No plans have yet been announced for a "Junior" TIP's program involving school children spying on their parents and reporting back to their teachers or special government counselors.

But applications for spying on fellow citizens are already posted by the government on the internet. You can reach it by going to:

Operation TIPS:

Just in case things get too hot for the government and they drop this program until its resurrection with the next act of terrorism, has gone to this site and converted several pages into viewable PDF files.

You can read or download these pages for a USDOJ sanitized explanation of where our declining legacy of liberty is headed. See the right column of this page.


Audioholic Ninja
But apparently it's not tyranny when a conservative calls for neighbors to spy on each other and report any "suspicious" activity.
No... It's called being patriotic to your country and protecting all of America from the enemies within :D


Senior Audioholic
Sounds like a bunch of mularkey to me. People always cry conspiracy.:rolleyes: Most of it is bunk. It's not like the government can't take you out already if you're a threat to national security.;) Running a country requires getting your hands dirty at times. This is why all politicians are dirty. You gotta get dirty to have a succesful nation. For all the bs the Bush Administration put us through it seems you guys can't take it from the other side. :p
It's ok though we'll run this country into the ground soon enough for you to say I told you so. :D
This, but Bush did this or Bush did that, is getting tiresome. I didn't like him and don't know anyone who did except the guys on the radio.
I know this all sounds rediculous and like something that could never happen in the US, but if one looks with the aim of seeing the truth, instead of supporting their own opinion, there is just no getting around it.
The government is actually sending goons out to quash all this freedom going on out here. Seems that having unapproved thoughts and the nerve to speak them is no longer allowed. Many meetings held by members of congress last night were loaded with pro-Obama thugs. They let them in rear and side doors while the "other" people waited in line outside. After they gave 1/2 the seats to the goons, then the pesky constituants were allowed in. Many innocent folks were yelled down, intimidated, and even beat up, yes, beat up.
We cannot close our eyes to this. This is un-American and there is just no other way to see it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't think this could happen to us, but it is.
I beg all Obama supporters to take off the blinders and honestly look at what is happening. Watch a bunch of different news reports and listen to some different radio stations that actually report the WHOLE truth, not slanted one way or another.
THIS SH** HAS GOT TO STOP!!! If it goes to far, we will never get our freedoms back. This is America. We are not supposed to be afraid of OUR government, they are supposed to represent OUR ideas, not force their ideas on us. Something is very wrong here!


Audioholic Overlord
I think there's a subtle difference between providing information on possible threats to the physical being of the country from external sources as opposed to having different ideas on how it should be run from it's citizens.


Senior Audioholic
I knew it was coming but I didn't expect it this soon. I just heard someone on the radio say, the people speaking their minds at these meetings are racists.
So that's how it's gonna be huh? Anytime that side is getting their a** kicked in an argument, the other side are all racists.
You think they'll march Jeneane Garofello out tonight?:rolleyes:

And yes, George Bush pushed some limits but the pushing is going too far. Who cares who's doing it? It's up to us to make it stop no matter who's guy is in charge.


Seriously, I have no life.
We're also a lot larger than we were back in the 18th century.
Yes, we are and we have more people here waiting for hand outs than the entire population at that time. Hell, we have more than the entire US population at the time of the Revolution, in California's prisons. How can anyone possibly think that 12M-20M illegals can be allowed, when they contribute far less than they consume? That's something a little kid with a lemonade stand knows- you need to take in more than you spend, in order to stay in business. At some point, raising your prices just makes people stop coming to you.


Audioholic Intern
This, but Bush did this or Bush did that, is getting tiresome. I didn't like him and don't know anyone who did except the guys on the radio.
I know this all sounds rediculous and like something that could never happen in the US, but if one looks with the aim of seeing the truth, instead of supporting their own opinion, there is just no getting around it.
The government is actually sending goons out to quash all this freedom going on out here. Seems that having unapproved thoughts and the nerve to speak them is no longer allowed. Many meetings held by members of congress last night were loaded with pro-Obama thugs. They let them in rear and side doors while the "other" people waited in line outside. After they gave 1/2 the seats to the goons, then the pesky constituants were allowed in. Many innocent folks were yelled down, intimidated, and even beat up, yes, beat up.
We cannot close our eyes to this. This is un-American and there is just no other way to see it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't think this could happen to us, but it is.
I beg all Obama supporters to take off the blinders and honestly look at what is happening. Watch a bunch of different news reports and listen to some different radio stations that actually report the WHOLE truth, not slanted one way or another.
THIS SH** HAS GOT TO STOP!!! If it goes to far, we will never get our freedoms back. This is America. We are not supposed to be afraid of OUR government, they are supposed to represent OUR ideas, not force their ideas on us. Something is very wrong here!
Yes, I would always trust a group that tells me to ignore the media, academia, and scientists. I only trust AM radio and Rupert Murdoch owned media outlets. Don't trust the rest (wait, Drudge and Red State too)...

If you guys feel alientated its because you are. Its not that you know this great truth, its that we all pity you guys for being fooled by these carnival barkers who are brilliant at making money. Yes, these guys yell loud, but it doesn't make them the majority.

People talk about how great this country was when it was founded. Ask a black person if they would like to go back there. Ask women, chinese, indian, irish, etc. how great the "good ol' days" were. Progress is a good thing but it seriously scares the bejeezus out of some of you. But hey, like I said, I like to hear very diverse opinions and I actually watch and read some main stream media so I can't possibly have a clue to see how bad Obama is screwing us... :rolleyes: Just another sheep to the slaughter, right guys? lol. :D

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