Hey Alex, I am a computer geek. Don't tell anyone.
Sorry I didn't get to you earlier - I was re-building and power washing my fence to get it ready for sealant tomorrow, plus I don't look outside of the boring thread much so you got lucky.
I recommend this even if there is a remote chance you will ever want to have wired networking as well, because it has gigabit (1000 Mbits/sec) wired ports, which are damn nice for transferring music, movies, etc. between two computers, but it is a bit more spendy. It also has 802.11n-spec wireless, which just got standardized and is much faster with better range than 802.11g or 802.11b (if you have the money, I would definitely say this is the way to go).
I have always had D-Link routers and have had great luck with them. I did have one D-Link switch die on me, but it wasn't a big deal because I got it replaced really fast on warranty.
Or a little cheaper is this one. It has 100 Mbit/sec wired ports and a bit slower (and less range) 802.11g wireless, but is very highly rated.
Linksys goes up and down on quality and customer service, but this particular unit is the best selling router with wireless on Newegg.com, which is definitely saying something.
EDIT: Almost forgot.
This is the one I got for my birthday, but I haven't used it yet. I will though, I just need to think of something to use it for...