I actually read that with a Texas accent.
He actually has one and can you ever tell that he makes a living by talking.
The Dawg is slick ... some say too slick.
... you are now winning at the internet.
It's funny but I just took a look at the rest of page one and realized that I know way more than everybody else on there ... but this isn't a drywall forum.
Way way back when I needed a few points to get my next chicklet, I would run around like a maniac answering wire, speaker placement and calibration questions, just hoping some one would lay some rep on me to send me over the line. Then mike c turned me onto photobucket so that I could try to emulate Mazer and unemployment provided me with enough free time to become the biggest point/post whore in the history of points and posts. I'll probably get laid off again in a week and if I can't get another job right away AH just may have to hire me as their mascot or something. I could be like their greeter.
"Welcome to Audioholics, can I help you find anything?"