Yep, such weight loss without trying to lose it by extreme measures has a cause.
Great advice.
Interesting that most of us here have an audio skepticism yet, as I am, reading this, their medical skepticism is out the window and embracing quackery.
You have that right. The colon is not in need of cleansing. In fact we have a symbiotic relationship with our colonic flora.
The colon has to absorb electrically charged ions, especially sodium and potassium against a large gradient, which requires a large amount of energy. Along with this electrolyte re absorption there is water re absorption.
It was a mystery for a long time as to where this energy to fuel this high energy drive ATP driven process came from.
It turns out that the colonic flora break down soluble fiber such as pectins and oligopolyscharides to short chain fatty acids. These short chain fatty acids are absorbed directly by the colonocytes as a source of energy. There is also free fatty acids surplus to requirements that are absorbed and transmitted via the portal vein to the liver, and available for the general energy pool. On average they contribute about 500 Kcal daily. There is no digestion taking place in the colon in the sense that there is in the small bowel.
This system is quite easily upset, and the reduction in colonic flora, when taking antibiotics, reduces the colonic flora, and therefore the energy available to the colonocytes, and is one of the principle factors involved in antibiotic related diarrhea.
In terms of motility the colon is a churner, with continuous mixing going on through out the colon.
So cleansing the colon does not need. The colonic flora provide a vital function, as well as discouraging the introduction of pathological and invasive organisms.