1981? Don't you think it's possible that things have changed a bit since then?
As long as we're going crazy off topic, here's a more recent occurance here. In fact, it happened earlier the same day that professor Gates had his incident.
Coincidence? We'll never know.
Things have changed a lot here. First, Harold Breier retired, then we had a change in that job so it's not a lifetime position, then we got his chief of staff as chief, then we got the last mayor's bodyguard as chief (Black, generally pissed off and belligerent) and he pissed off so many officers that in the time he was chief (not long), 56% either quit or retired. Then, we had Phillip Arreola for a while and he basically did some nice PR work, using the position here as a stepping stone to get the same job in Detroit. Our last chief was Nanette Haggerty, who was the assistant chief before being named chief. She was basically useless. Now, we have Edward Flynn, supposedly a tough cop from Boston, but he's not so tough that he couldn't bang the reporter who wrote a glowing series of articles about him. He's more or less taking credit for the drop in murders last year, but it's more from the Black community getting sick of the killing.
The social experiments didn't work and we need someone who just knows how to get the job done, regardless of race or gender. We still have the occasional excessive force rap, some people still think they should treat minorities with hugs, rather than force (even when the cops are being targeted by shooters and people trying to run them down). We had an incident where a guy was pulled over and when he turned around, he shot both cops in the face, then rode away on his bicycle. We have lots of cases where someone holds up one or more people and when they run away, the dirtbag starts blasting. Some die, some don't. It's always in a certain area and nothing changes there.
The longer I live here, the less reason I have for staying.