One flat out denied having discussed where we needed him to trench for our cables (not manually, either) and I got his name, phone number, put it in the calendar of my Treo, along with photos of the area and him. He still denied that we had met about this after they trenched through the three LP gas lines that were buried under the driveway. For the third time. I have a friend with a small landscaping business and he works at least as hard as the Mexicans he hired and they're not particularly reliable.
Wouldn't that make you and your friend part of the problem? You're hiring them, no doubt to decrease your operating costs and increase profit. Patriotism talks a good game, but your actions speak volumes more in favor of your own wallet.
Trust me, not all illegals pay taxes. Are you telling me that those that congregate outside of big-box hardware stores and in designated areas in some town that jump into slow-moving pickup trucks owned by local contractors pay taxes?
Again, who's hiring them? Who's picking them up from outside of Home Depot? Americans far more concerned with their bottom line than national loyalty, part of the problem.
BTW- the Mexicans who work for my friend are nice guys. They just don't always show up when they're needed.
See above.
People eat too much because food is just too easy to get. Look at people in countries where they don't have access to so much- lean, often living longer, far less of the same causes of death we have.
Deflecting the fault on "the system", another true American value. "I'm fat because there's a McDonalds on every corner!"
I think Midnight was saying that "Mexicans" that pay taxes are legals and that it would be impossible for an illegal to pay taxes and quantify it.
Many small business contractor and construction companies "aquire" SS#s for their illegal employees and pay taxes out of their wages so they don't get nabbed by the IRS. It's pretty common practice in NY. In the end, the IRS doesn't give a rat's because the taxes are still being collected.
These have been the similar experiences that I've had on the job site.
I'll say it for the last time, who is hiring them!?!?!?
If anything, they embody the true American spirit. They capitalize on the weakness of others! They drive you out of business by working cheaper! You say you'll work for $25/hour + 4 paid smoke breaks + paid lunches + overtime, they say they'll work for $8/hour 12 hours a day.
I worked in the sign industry for many years, watching the local unions bleed my company dry while I made a piss-poor wage that wasn't even 30% of what these union guys took home. They were contractually entitled to their smoke breaks and their 2.5x out-of-state job wage, all the while taking breaks every half hour and saying "I'm union, I'm not killing myself for this job." But hey, the owner of the company supported the American laborer, and lost a buttload of money in the process. The worker would rather bleed the small business owner dry and move on to the next one in the phone book than keep our fellow countrymen going. That's what a parasite does.
I wonder how many people raving about closing the borders and all that crap shop at Walmart. So many people are hypocrites, and they don't even realize it. They're gung-ho patriots until it hits their wallets. But isn't that the truest essence of it? Money over everything? Me before you?
Now, about the OP, it's wrong that our hospitals are forced to give care to illegals, period. Simple solution is, a trip to the hospital = a ride from the INS sans care. Simple. An illegal shows up at a hospital, they are stabilized ONLY if it's life-threatening, detained till the INS shows up, and taken into custody. But guess what? YOUR TAXES WOULD PAY FOR IT! So your choice would be between sucking it up and being willing to pay those taxes for the additional personnel and resources, or shutting up and letting the illegals work our system.
For anyone wanting a good read, I suggest the first part of SWMBO's graduate thesis: