1. No, Mexicans weren't here before us. The Indigenous people were, until the Spanish came and decimated the population with disease, murder and domination. They interbred and once they were the dominant people, the Spanish language was adopted in some areas. England was dominated by the Romans, Gauls, Anglos and Scandinavians at different times and the resulting battles won that country back but the language and culture still have many reminders of all who were in power. Treaties were signed and since they haven't lost any wars with invading countries since those times, they have remained known as England. The US borders were settled by treaty, in the same way most other borders were. Every country that has defined borders defends them and it doesn't matter how small they are. Why we should just let everyone in and be the World's Doormat, I don't understand but if someone wants to come here, they should be prepared to do it legally. A US citizen can't just move to Mexico and their restrictions are stronger than ours.
I'm in Wisconsin- you mean to tell me that Mexicans were here first?
2. They pay their taxes? Really? How does this happen if they can't get a real SS card/number? If they make less than the minimum, THEY PAY NO TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. The argument about them doing jobs Americans won't is far from being an absolute. I know a lot of people in the trades who do the same work, for the prevailing wages, on hte same jobs. I have seen some pretty fargin' bad work done these people "who do hard work for less", too. Painters, drywallers, landscapers- you name it. One flat out denied having discussed where we needed him to trench for our cables (not manually, either) and I got his name, phone number, put it in the calendar of my Treo, along with photos of the area and him. He still denied that we had met about this after they trenched through the three LP gas lines that were buried under the driveway. For the third time. I have a friend with a small landscaping business and he works at least as hard as the Mexicans he hired and they're not particularly reliable. They tend to show up when they feel like it (usually better as payday approaches),they show up late, still drunk or incredibly hung over, go to the wrong place and again, you name it. When they don't show up, it hardly qualifies as better than any alternative.
Your comment about a supply and demand is absolutely true but you could have saved the last ones. If you think liberals are honest, I pity you.