Happy 40th Anniversary Apollo 11!



Audioholic Ninja
Here is a little respite from the troubles in this world, and look back upon one of the brightest spots in all of mankind's achievements...Apollo 11's moon landing and mankinds first venture to another world. That was truly a time of pride, not only for the U.S.A., but all of the world rejoiced (except maybe those in the Kremlin ;)). It has been 4 decades since that treasured moment. I am priveleged to have witnessed the reporting of the event.

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Audioholic Spartan
I just watched For All Mankind last night. I don't know if you've seen it, but if you haven't, I highly recommend it. The footage of the moon near the end is special. Also, near the beginning, when they're in the elevator to board the vessel, you really get an idea of how huge those rockets were.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Come on, RJ!!!! Everybody knows that was a hoax!!!:eek::D
I had a paper route in those days and fondly remember not being able to wait until the next day and read all about the Apollo missions and look at the pictures. I watched intently on TV, too. I still have most of those papers covering the landing. A proud moment for the US.
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Audioholic Ninja
Come on, RJ!!!! Everybody know that was a hoax!!!:eek::D
I had a paper route in those days and fondly remember not being able to wait until the next day and read all about the Apollo missions and look at the pictures. I watched intently on TV, too. I still have most of those papers covering the landing. A proud moment for the US.
Yeah, weren't they really supposed to be somewhere near Phoenix? ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, RJ! I had lost track of the date and had forgotten about it. Great reminder!

I just watched For All Mankind last night.
I'm watching it tonight! We must both be watching the recently released (at least on Netflix) blu-ray. :D So far, the footage has been spectacular. I also highly recommend it. It's not a I've-been-drinking-and-want-an-action-movie kind of film, but it's incredibly interesting to me. I was surprised by just how crisp and detailed the real-life footage of the launch was.


Audioholic General
I loved last year when Neil Armstrong (in his 70's) decked the young punk who called the Moon landing a fake.


Audioholic Ninja
Buzz has been pushing for a manned mission to Mars. Although the next couple years are probably not the time to start this, I'm a believer we should expand out. I remember a seminar I attended that put the cost of terraforming Mars at just over a trillion dollars. With the money spent on the stimulus, bailouts, and two wars, would could have owned that planet already.

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