We can consume less by making more efficient devices all around. The problem with the environmental crew is that few of them understand that most anything mechanical/electrical is a set of compromises. Most all engineering is balancing to compromises to fit the application. It is not usually possible to have your cake & eat it to in the engineering world. Your interest in DIY audio should be beginning to tell you that.
Most of those in power pushing this cap & trade bill really don't care about the environment & such, because if they really did, they would not tax the public into oblivion, but rather, look to real solutions.
Nuclear energy offers the most output for the smallest amount of material used. So long as thought out measures are taken to store/utilize spent rods, it is one of the cleanest forms of energy. It can be dangerous only if done irresponsibly. Nearly all of the nuclear facilities in Western Europe & the US are extremely well run and competently designed offering loads of output at very low risk.
Many of those whom are uneducated about nuclear energy get so worried about it because of a few mistakes in the past (which were caused by gross incompetence). Many if not all of those mistakes in the past simply can't/won't happen anymore because there are so many backup systems in place to prevent them.
I am for making the world a more efficient place, but I am only willing to do so when it does not infringe on the constitution or raise taxes even further. Smart solutions are there for the taking if the real motive is actually energy independence and lower usage of resources.