It's a joke, Bob.

It's a video from The Onion, which is a satirical site.
Ahhhhrrrggghhhh..... You just brake the fun, I knew it (or did I?).
Anyway, I'm just having a woehole lot of fun too.
* By the way, I did play the stock market foir many years, doing my own transactions, buying on margin for several hundred of thousand of dollars, making tons of money, way over my head, and at the end lost every penny (over $750,000).
So, do you think that I'm gonna loose sleep over some stupid chicklets?
Yep, I've been there, perhaps more than you guys.
Did you noticed something new today? I left my usual section of Amplifiers, Preamps and A/V Receivers. That's not like me. I decided to give others a chance to help people in my usual section of expertise.
But wait a minute, not to give carte blanche just like that, but just to check how you guys doing, so I can see if you are up to the task, and come up better than me at the end. If I see that you guys are doing good and are quick to come up with the right solutions, I'll leave you alone, and go fooling in the Vent section, the boring thread...
But, if you guys screw up, I'll be right back, and even better than before.
Remember, I'm a Bluesman. And a smart one at that too.
And I know you guys are also smart, so I respect that.
I do feel that you are all my brothers.

And that makes me feel good, real good, great; I feel better than James Brown.
I'll put back my cape on, and I walk down slowly the alley of troubadours.