Hey all I'm new to the forum and to turntables.
Here is the problem:
When I went to play a record on my new Denon turntable the sound was muffled, so I read in the manual where it said to remove the stylus cover before playing. When I went to remove the cover of the stylus I proceded to break the stylus. I had assumed the there was a sheath covering the entire "arm" of the stylus and I was basically trying to tear away the black color, which I had assumed was the plastic cover, similiar to the way you strip away plastic on a wire to make it bare. I guess that the stylus is just the little point at the end of the arm and there must be a tiny piece of plastic covering it?
So it looks like I need a new DSM80 Denon Stylus. On the next stylus, so that this doesn't occur again, what is the proper way to remove the stylus cover properly?
Thank you,
As far as I know, all Denon cartridges are moving coil and the stylus is not replaceable.
Here is the current line up of
Denon cartridges. I can not cross reference DSM 80 anywhere.
You will note that only the two cheaper models have a stylus guard. You flip the guard up and down. Down to cover the stylus when not in use, and up to play. It is that simple. The stylus is the small polished diamond set in the cantilever. The Cantilever is very fragile and should never be touched.
We would have to know more about your set up to help you with the muffled sound. A turntable has to be carefully set up and if the turntable has no built in preamp, need a pre amp or have to be connected to a high gain RIAA input.
Before you can go any further you will have to purchase a new cartridge, if it is moving coil, and I suspect it is. You will have to carefully install it.