I tried to search but it keeps timing out on me. Anyways, I'm looking for some nice looking wire 6-8ft in length for less than $150. Banana termination is preferred.
These are in the running atm:
Those do look quite snazy.
If you have the patience and the time, you can do a really nice job of making your own twisted pair cable. I was bored one day a few months ago and decided to completely seperate my cables and spin them back together. I first stripped the two cables from each other then spray painted them blue and white. I bought this so called "plastic" spray paint that is "supposed" to bend and not crack, yeah what a bunch of crap. They should have branded it "Monster spray paint" since it was such a load of garbage. Anyways.......I ended up just using the strands untreated.
Following this i tied one end of each cables to a door knob, and begun weaving the cables into each other, over and over again. I did learn that unless you have a lot of room you don't really want to work with anything over 6 feet, or else you can't get the cables tight enough to hold their twists.
At the end i got some simple skrink tubing and finished them off about 6 inches from each end. Added some monoprice closed screw type banana's and used heatshrink on those.
Honestly the hardest part was going to the basement apartment and asking the girls for a hair dryer and still try to look manly. It did take a good hour to do all the twisting, including a few failed attempts at making the twists look even.
But in the end it came out better than I thought, and currently it's providing the cabling to my centre channel.
If you have a few hours to kill, and no one around you might want to give it a try. I say no one around because you look rather silly while your braiding them......