Pretty funny stuff. Went to my Amazon page today and now of course "they" have selected some more tees for me, clicked on this one for kicks to read a review...
5.0 out of 5 stars I love this shirt, May 19, 2009
By C. Mullinax "webhead" (ohio) - See all my reviews
Let me start by saying this was the single greatest purchase I have ever made. EVER. Everyone should own this sweet shirt. Here's why:
First of all, the shirt is just plain awesome. It looks like there is a shark coming right out of my chest. Be careful though, it is so realistic that some people might think there is an actual shark coming out of you. I've had this happen to me on several occasions, had to stop what I was doing, and calmly inform the person that it was indeed just a shirt and that their misconception was ridiculous because, unfortunately, sharks can't survive outside of water because they are fish. This aspect of the shirt is more helpful than it is annoying since no one will mess with a dude that has a shark leaping out of his chest.
On a similar note, you can swim in the ocean wearing this shirt without fear of being attacked by a shark (or any other carnivorous sea creature). Other sharks either think you've already been taken or they don't want to mess with the ferocity of the shark lashing its way through your chest.
I wear my shirt everywhere and my life has only gotten better because of it. My wife, who loves sharks, agreed to marry me on the spot when I was wearing this shirt. I've made love to her every night since then wearing this shirt. Our 2-month anniversary is tomorrow and we couldn't be happier.
And I owe it all to this shirt. My life is wonderful. BUY THIS SHIRT.