Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic General
Paul, when is your PC supposed to arrive? I got an HP quad-core machine last summer, and I really like it. I can imagine how excited you are to get that bad boy!
I ordered it today from amazon but its being shipped form a place called J&R music and computer world(?) Anyway i got a email saying july 6 or 7 which kinda sucks. I hope it comes earlier than that:D


Audioholic Jedi
I ordered it today from amazon but its being shipped form a place called J&R music and computer world(?) Anyway i got a email saying july 6 or 7 which kinda sucks. I hope it comes earlier than that:D
Yeah, I hope that you get it for the long weekend. It must have been cheaper buying from them versus going through HP, huh? I always wait until HP has a large coupon (like $400 off) before I consider buying from them.


Audioholic Samurai
Does anyone else find it a little perverse that the reputation dialog box says this:
"You must spread reputation around before giving it to _______ again."



Audioholic Samurai
I'm still trying to figure out what all the fuss is about in prior posts...



Audioholic Samurai
I was wondering if I had seen that one before...

Oh well, it has a high replay value.

Oh well, it has a high replay value.


Audioholic Samurai
What device is it? PnP devices dont have dedicated drivers in Vista. Normally is is a power problem. Obviously not in your case. Can I assume you've unplugged the device, rebooted and tried again?
Yeah, I ended up calling tech support and they sent me an RMA to return it. I tried it in multiple computers, no avail. I'm a dual to triple backup guy since storage is so cheap now, so, no data loss, but, still a pain. Plus I pay shipping and they don't even attempt to save your data. Maybe I expect too much?:confused:

I talked about getting one a while back (last year, probably), but I finally bought one of these. Amazon has them on sale today. :D

That's a very boring product. Very nice decision. :D


Audioholic Jedi
According to the vet, Niki is healthy (always a relief to hear). Their scale has got to be wrong, though. I think that Niki has probably gained weight since her last visit a year ago. The vet sure doesn't think that she's lost weight. Their new scale says that she's lost 10 pounds. What's the point of having a scale if it doesn't work? They prescribe medication doses based on weight, after all.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm a bit nervous about the TV being delivered tomorrow, given how it all went last time. I think that I'll get to the hardware store and pick up some plastic sheets to cover the floors.


Audioholic Jedi
"Lap dancing is the ultimate nightmare of man. It's porn that can see you." - Coupling


Senior Audioholic
I'm a bit nervous about the TV being delivered tomorrow, given how it all went last time. I think that I'll get to the hardware store and pick up some plastic sheets to cover the floors.
Didn't you hear? <> Insert chosen delivery service <>'s delivery drivers just went on strike. There won't be deliveries for quite some time.



Audioholic Spartan
"Lap dancing is the ultimate nightmare of man. It's porn that can see you." - Coupling
That dude doesn't know what he's talking about. Lap dances are porn that can touch you and HBO ain't selling THAT.;)
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