I guess you must have missed our recent reviews for Dali, Thiel, Aperion Audio and MCM Electronics.
Please do your homework before criticizing the diveristy of our product reviews. Also since you have a relatively high post count, you should know by now that review threads need to stay on topic. Feel free to continue this discussion in the Steam Vent.
Actually, Gene, I did do my homework. After seeing the latest TSC review, it felt like they'd been getting boatloads of attention lately.
Please, don't misunderstand me, I love your reviews as I think you guys do a great job of providing both objective and subjective content in your reviews. Besides, I really enjoy Tom Andry's snarky sense of humor. He writes well, and he writes in a way that connects with me.
I'm not saying you're not reviewing other products. It's just that three manufacturers, two really, seem to be getting a lot of attention. I happen to like this site a lot. I've learned a boatload of cool stuff here. I'm constantly referring my friends and my sons to cool articles I find here.
But back to the homework thing. My methodology was simple: I went to your Speaker review section (
http://www.audioholics.com/reviews/speakers/), and started copying basic information about the reviews listed there into a spreadsheet (with columns that included Date, Manufacturer, Model, Reviewer, Review Type (e.g. Pro or First Look).
This spreadsheet is on my home PC (yeah, and the dog ate my homework), but, if you'd like to see it, I'll shoot you a copy of it when I get home tonight.
Anyhow, I was able to copy information from the 19 most recent reviews listed on that page before my wife got irritated with what I was doing (understandably).
I didn't count the shoot-out article because all those speakers also received their own individual reviews.
I'd just hate to see your objectivity called into question.