My business has been with Sprint since 1999.
When I took over the business, after a couple of months of overages, I decided to do a cost analysis of cell usage. I called Sprint to have a rep go over the usage and discuss new plans. During this conversation I asked if any of the four lines were still under contractual agreement, to which the answer was NO.
I then proceeded to evaluate all the new plans from the top providers including Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobil, ect.
I decided that Verizon suited me best and proceeded to port all the numbers from sprint to Verizon except one (my mother past away of cancer so we no longer needed the line). Of coarse there were issues so I had to do a conference call with Sprint and Verizon to get it done. When asked about the other line, I told them the situation, and asked for that number to be cancelled. "No problem" was the answer I got.
So 2 months go by then I start getting a bill from sprint for like $270. When I called they start telling me that I breached my contract. After 40 minutes on the phone talking to people that hardly speak English, 2 supervisors, I am finally transferred to the "Customer Is Getting Really Pissed Off Department" where I got an answering machine. I calmly (to my standards) left a message asking them to call me back so this could be resolved. This was in March.
I am now getting a bill for $370 because now (after 4 more of the same kind of calls I made with the same result) they tell me that the other line was never canceled. They said I had to call Sprint to cancel it and the people that helped me port the numbers were a private contractor. Now they answered the phone saying "Thank you for calling SPRINT." Maybe it is just me and I am an idiot, but when they say that I, well assume, that it is !@#$ing SPRINT that is on the phone.
I got another bill (wanting me to avoid cancellation mind you) so I called them. WOW.....just WOW.....
I just can't believe that after 10 years of service, we will do a low estimate, @ $200/month (yeah right) that comes to over $24,000. They are screwing me for $370.
What happened to loyalty within business. If I have a customer that spends less than 1/2 of that, I treat them like my best friend and bend over backwards to make sure they have a positive experience. Maybe my Texas southern hospitality in all of my business leads me to being a naive person.

(only lets me put 10)
I hope that anyone else looking for competitive phone service hears this story.
Thanks to all for letting me vent.