"Gran Torino" blu-ray mini review.
All right, last night I watched "Gran Torino" on blu-ray on my 50" display.
First, right from the bat, I have to tell you that this blu-ray title is not the kind to demo the picture quality or audio reference soundtrack.
Now, with this out of the way, this film is all about Clint and his aura as a performer and intelligent humor character. His one-line phrases delivery are something to behold and to graciously laugh about. This is pure Clint, unaltered and straight to the point.
Don't look for much action here or mayhem, this is a character driven movie with some good lessons in life as an extra dose of reassurance.
Picture wise, the film is drab into a kind of sepia tone with greenish accents in his color palette that is kind of mute. It looks a bit dull and lack details at times with an out of focus bacground on several occasions.
But you still have enough details to see all the wrinkles on Clint's face.
And the black level is good.
Audio wise, this is a subdue soundtrack that is quite reserved. But this is fine, as it does not take you out of the major aspect of this film, which is the characters of people with their dialogs, in particular Clint. Still, the soundtrack complement the story well, and is well recorded with some nice piano and a clear dialog.
May I suggest that you turn the volume up more than usual.
It is a Dolby TrueHD soundtrack that is automatically defaulted to (thanks finally to WB for that one).
I really enjoyed this film and I have some good heart laughs as well, from Clint one-liners. Highly recommended for the superb performance of Clint and also for the interraction with the other young actors, which were quite good too in their performance.
Picture: 3.5/5
Audio: 3.5/5
Story: 4/5
Acting: 5/5 [Top score for top-notch performance.]
Special features: n/a (I'll be watching these probably later on tonight).*
Overall: 4.5/5
So, overall, this is a 4.5/5 for the major performance of Clint on the screen.
For this alone, this film is a must see and a true gem to cherish.
* I'll be commenting on the Special features later on after watching them.
* Special Note: I don't usually comment on the story or plot, as I found this to take away from the pleasure of watching the film in a fresh new look with total surprise for the benefit of the full enjoyment from the viewer. That's my own opinion and take on this.