Those are noise-cancelling headphones. Any particular reason you're looking at noise-cancelling? You generally sacrifice sound quality a bit, plus you have to deal with batteries, etc.
If you need to block out noise, a good set of "sealed" phones (closed back, form a seal around your ear) blocks out almost as much noise. I use a pair of
Sennheiser HD-280, and they're terrific. If you don't need to block out noise, the
Grado SR60 (or the step-up SR80) are frequently recommended (I also have the SR60, also a great set for the price, but they don't block out noise at all).
The Sony MDR-7506 set that jamie mentioned gets high recommendations all the time around here - and that must mean something, because there's generally a lot of anti-Sony sentiment around here! I can't comment on them from personal experience, however.
Any additional information regarding where/how you'll be using these could be useful.