Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic General
I bought the first season of battlestar galactica several weeks ago. I love the concept of this show. other people, just like us but in another part of the universe.


Audioholic Jedi
I bought the first season of battlestar galactica several weeks ago. I love the concept of this show. Another people, just like us but in another part of the universe.
I bought that a few years ago! My family and I used to watch that show back in the 70's when I was a young kid. I really liked that show. I was pretty happy with the DVD set, except that one of the discs was defective in the set that I got. Great, great show.


Audioholic General
I bought that a few years ago! My family and I used to watch that show back in the 70's when I was a young kid. I really liked that show. I was pretty happy with the DVD set, except that one of the discs was defective in the set that I got. Great, great show.
I think you are talking about the first battlestar galactica. They started a new version of the show in 2005(i think) anyway go to amazon and check it out>


Audioholic General
I am down for the count 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1............. have a good weekend everybody:D


Audioholic Samurai
307? That's not too bad I guess. I think that makes me Fully Boring. I'm drinking coffee with a shot of hazelnut syrup in it. I'm also supposed to close on my re-fi today, but that keeps getting pushed off. As long as my rate doesn't reset. I got a 30-year fixed @ 4.75% with no points. I'm almost excited about that.


Audioholic Jedi
307? That's not too bad I guess. I think that makes me Fully Boring.
Sure, we'll let you attribute that to the post count. :)

I got a 30-year fixed @ 4.75% with no points. I'm almost excited about that.
I would be! My mortgage started at 8% or higher if I remember correctly, and I was really excited when I was able to refinance at 5.75% (I think) with no points. It was like Christmas.


Audioholic Samurai
Looks like we're on for closing this afternoon. Should be a nice weekend!


I bought the first season of battlestar galactica several weeks ago. I love the concept of this show. other people, just like us but in another part of the universe.
It's by far the best sci-fi show in a long while.


Audioholic Jedi
I think you are talking about the first battlestar galactica. They started a new version of the show in 2005(i think) anyway go to amazon and check it out>
Indeed I was talking about the original. My mistake.

I don't have cable and didn't see much of the new version. It seemed interesting, though, when they showed some of the episodes on NBC.


Audioholic Jedi
I think that I can reach an average of 10 posts/day today.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Audioholic Jedi
I might play some Call of Duty 4 this weekend. I'd like a new video card, but the odds of having one delivered tomorrow are probably slim. Hmmm. I better go check Amazon.
UH Matt

UH Matt

Junior Audioholic
I might play some Call of Duty 4 this weekend. I'd like a new video card, but the odds of having one delivered tomorrow are probably slim. Hmmm. I better go check Amazon.
Do you play on 360?
UH Matt

UH Matt

Junior Audioholic
Nope. My only console is a Playstation, and that's been at my brother's house for years. I just play on my PC.

I almost bought a 360 just for CoD, though!
Buy a 360 for the new CoD, its going to be nasty!


Audioholic Jedi
I'm financially fortunate enough that I never work overtime for the money. I only work it when it's required to get the job done, which it was this week. However, I came to the realization yesterday that I'm going to get about $500 in OT pay this week. That brought a smile to my face! It may even bring a Panasonic to my living room. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I'm losing my edge. I just now noticed that MidCow2 was banned. I knew that he was on probation, but I hadn't realized that he had gotten banned.


Audioholic Jedi
I noticed you have a new sig pic. That dog is just awesome. Great coat.
Thanks! That picture was before the "expansion." She has some weight to lose, for sure. Her coat is amazing, though. When she's clean, her hair actually glistens.


We got our first real rain in about six months last night....the ground still even looks a little damp!
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