I hope you can all consider then that it will be hard to explain. I’m very tuned into sound. I (over) analyze everything I hear. At work last week, I kept asking “what is that high pitched squeal”? No one else could hear it. Turns out, it was a low battery warning on an AED unit on another floor. Please don’t get me wrong – I’m not trying to brag, honestly I wish my brain didn’t tune into and hyper-analyze every little sound I hear.
With the different components, including cable, my focus can turn from hearing the music notes being played to picking up on the most minute distortions in sound. In my particular system, I thought the distortion was from my amp or pre-amp. I switched from an average 14 gage wire to an “underdog” brand thinking there wasn’t any difference, but there it was – distortion. When I switched the speaker cable, the distortion went away, and all that was left was the sound. The very real effect of lobbing also disappeared, and I had a very smooth coherent soundstage. The Kimber was my RCA patch, the new speaker cable – (takes a big gulp as I realize this may get me banned) are Monster Z3’s I got for 75% off ($75) from accessories4less. I hacked them apart & converted two lengths into a bi-wire setup, and honestly, my system has never sounded better.
I find I can also remember distinct characteristics of a certain item, and hear differences between it, and another like item (receiver to receiver for example). What I continue to struggle with is why so many people tell me it must be in my head, or ask for verification. Why isn’t “taking my word for it” good enough? Would I be going too far by suggesting that some people must think “If other people can hear a difference, why can’t I”?
I know I’m not alone in this camp, but right now I feel like I’m standing up for others who won’t voice their observations. I’ve seen other people extol the virtues of the “sound” of a new amp or processor, and everyone says “good on you”. I feel like I’m on trial to prove myself, and it just feels wrong.