Are we going from civil to anger so quickly? I'm surprised. This isn't anger so much as a defense of something that any reasonable person would see the value of. I also like this sort of thing, and have a BA in philosophy, and thus am accustomed to rational argument and don't realize how some others may be easily offended. Sorry dude! Faith, by definition, is not even in the same ballpark as science, so when discussing reality, lets stick to reality. You want to talk faith? I could say nothing, nor would I care to, to attack your faith, unless you want to codify it in public policy, which seems to be a primary motivator for the OK legislation which began this thread. The constitution makes no mention of God at all, and religion is only mentioned in the 1st amendment, where it says 'gov't keep out of this one'. Our founders were intelligent enough to realize that each individuals relationship to the divine is their own personal thing, and nobody elses business, certainly not the gov't's. ID is the brainchild of Young Earth Creationist's, simple as that, and provides no evidence to support it's claims. Do you really believe the earth is 6000 years old?
My issues with evolution and the big bang.
How can order form when the universe tends to chaos?
How does an internal system change without an external force?
How did it start? Do you really care, or are you in need of validation of your 'faith'? If you really are genuinely curious, and you want answers that can stand up to rigorous scrutiny, science is your best bet. The answers you find may even enhance your feeling of reverence for this amazing universe we live in and ultimately strengthen your faith. There are many, however, who fail to use what God gave 'em, fail to use critical thinking skills, even dogmatically disparage science as 'evil', and want an easy answer that bypasses logic and reason, and they gave us ID.
How did life begin?
Evolution argues chance, and more theory. ID argues God both are equally valid options with plenty of supporting arguments. No, you're incorrect.
So it comes down to a person's choice. Evidence points equally both ways.not by a long shot Each person makes they choice they are most comfortable withtrue; many are simply uncomfortable with an empirical explanation which may conflict with their dogmatic religious beleifs. This seems to be the case with much of life. Of course in theology we accept outside sources, experience, reason, and Tradition as valid basis for a position. Based on my own personal experiences, reasoning, outside sources and the Tradition I've chosen to become a Christian. Christianity is corrupted by fundies who miss the entire message. Jesus made no claims about how this universe came to being, he was more concerned with how we treat our fellow man, something that seems lost on the fundies who want to currupt public policy with old testament wierdness (ID in science classes, 10 commandments displayed in public buildings, etc.) I suppose you can live by the word of Jesus regarding your conduct, but if you don't think the earth was created 6000 years ago you'll burn in hell, right?)
Trying to sum up a person's belief in God by saying they are just throwing their hands up in the air ignores tradition and 1000s of years of philosophy.I was criticizing ID, a permutation of creationism that came about in the last couple decades; I am not in any way trying to 'sum up a person's belief in God'. Isiberian, you aren't one of these persecution complex fundies, are you? Most people's beliefs aren't just a choice of throwing their hands up they come from rich traditions dating back before recorded history. These systems have helped us become who we are today.
FYI my faith is based on recorded eyewitness accounts that are corroborated and line up with historical records plus even to this day people see amazing unexplainable supernatural things happen.And someone who has no knowledge of Ohms Law may find your fancy hi-fi miraculous, too. Does that make it so?
Again, I am not attacking people of faith. I will, however, attack simple minded ideas which aspire to have the same credibility as science when it comes to knowledge. ID doesn't cut it, and deserves ridicule.
My how these threads seem to get hijacked. But hey it's all in good fun and cordial discussion.Thanks for playing!